Christmas Shopping Done!
Ok, first things first.. The Pic of the Day!! Woohoo!

Nice pic aye?! This is my Pastor, of the famous youth group, Dunamis Rock! Pastor, if you happen to pass by this blog, we wanna say "We Love You!!"
Today was another good day. Had to meet Ben, Jerome, and Jerald to do our final shopping for the Christmas season. And i'm glad we are done! Woohoo! Bought all the remaining presents for our friends.
Spent alot of money this year man. But I'm glad this is the best Christmas for me in like 4 years. Cos I'm spending it with all my treasured friends! And, it's already a miracle that the Christmas party is holding over 80 youths! Ain't that such a blessing to hear. Lord, please work in the lives of those who do not yet know you. Amen.
Bought a beautiful gift exchange for the party that I like myself =) So if you guys/gals want it, remember it's from Peter. Lolx.
Went DoTA just now at Paradiz with the guys. Had one good game, but didn't enjoy when I knew my friend didn't enjoy it. Hey bro, cheer up k? I really don't like to see ya so down. And I wanna say, that God will move in our party this Friday. Do you guys believe it with me?
So tomorrow, I'll be meeting Kenneth, Ben, and Aaron again. Cos they're not done with their shopping sprees and want to feed the Singaporean Economy till it's overflowing. Ok, can't wait to see ya guys in the party! God Bless!
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