Dunamis Rock Christmas Party!
What a beautiful night! But before all the pictures come up, I just wanna say I had a wonderful time and have been blessed tonight! So, what is the Pic of the Day? It's the 6 most outstanding Angels in DR. Introducing.. The Dunamis Rock Angels! (if you can't see all the pictures, just refresh your browser again.)

Yea, what a bunch of handsome young men aye? Lolx. This is a picture of the Games' Mistress, and her sisiter, the Song Leader for the night!

And not forgetting, our most entertaining Master of Ceremony, Jireh Tan! (and Jannen, who appears in like 90% of all my photos..)

See what I mean?

Can't show too many pictures today.. But! I must say! The best-dressed guy and gal well deserved their prizes! Congratulations to John Kao!

And Pamela Song (also the Song Leader for the night. Pun intended.)

And the night was filled with games, songs, fabulous food, and gifts exchange. I got a really cute coin-saving ornament from Jireh. I won't have a use for it, except for leaving it on my shelf to let other people adore it. (and collect dust..)
And of course, we took one very good photo of a few of us! And it kinda ended with a 'tau-pok' on Ben.. But! I didn't participate in it, so don't look at me with those eyes..

Yea, so the party ended really well.. And a few of us proceeded to supper before heading home. And Andy is finally back home here in Singapore! We miss ya Brother!! Meeting up with him and a few others in Clementi to Cut/Dye/Highlight our hair tmr! Gonna be another fun day. And then EQ is coming over my place to bake cookies with me! Gonna be fun when he messes up my kitchen. (I don't mind at all. We all played 'masak-masak' when we were small aye?) Haha.
Ok take care guys! See ya all on Sunday! Same place, 10 am! The few of us are wearing black. So if you wanna join the DareDevils of Dunamis Rock, go right ahead. Teeheehee..
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