Chinese New Year's Eve 2006
This was a great day. Really amazing and filled with so many happy memories to remember. Thankfully, I took a good amount of photos today to remember this special day. Oh my.. It's 3 am and I am typing this post. And to know I need to wake up by 7 am to make it for service at 8.30 am. But I guess I'll do the post anyway. Since I have nothing on tomorrow, so I'll just come home and get my rest in the afternoon.
Isn't it amazing how God blesses us? You guys know that I couldn't get my hair cut because I lost my card in EC House right? (yea, it's EC not EB..) God sent Gordon to offer me a haircut at a salon opposite the apartment this afternoon at 1. I agreed and couldn't wait.
And this is my new haircut! I feel so cool man..

You know why I really looked forward to it? Cos I haven't sat down with a father-figure and got a haircut since I was 6? Haha. I really enjoyed just looking at Gordon get his hair done. I was almost moved to tears. Couldn't really explain why, but I felt such a bonding when we did our hair together.
Oh yes, the 'barber' is a 62 year old? I initially thought she wouldn't do a very good job.. But man was I surprised. She not only did a fantastic job, she did it with so much patience and care. My haircut, though $20 (yes.. double EC house!! Haha!), took 45 minutes to complete. The result was 99% of what I wanted. I told her I'm gonna make her my personal hairdresser, lolx. The best part? Gordon foot the bill.
After the amazing haircut, I went over to meet my sister at Plaza Singapura for lunch. We had Long John's and all the way, she was bugging me to play lan cos she was itching for lan.. (what have I done..)

I actually managed to persuade her not to go lan, but instead a movie. We agreed on Fearless, and I felt it was worth every bit of the $9.50 I paid. Great show, non-stop action, and a relatively good storyline. I would recommend it.

The movie was about 1 and half hours long. Was about 6 when the movie ended and had to fetch our maid, Mun, from Dhoby Ghaut MRT for the Reunion Dinner at Gordon's apartment. She arrived at 6.15 but we had so much difficulty finding her and getting the message across on where to meet..
Thankfully we finally met her at 6.45.. Yes.. 1/2 an hour later. We then went over to the apartment where my mom had been preparing steamboat for all 5 of us since.. er.. 5am? Haha, talk about love. She woke up at 5, got down to tekka market in Little India, got the groceries.. Came home.. Got the stock ready, and that kinda got her day started..
Here are some photos I took from the dinner. Really the best I've had so far, will explain the reason later..
Pictures from the apartment

Love the apartment. Still so beautiful and clean. We then went up to the 10th floor, Pool Area, for our steamboat!
Oh yes, look at how much food we had!

Gordon, Mom, and Sarah

All getting ready for a night of fun-talk, family-talk, and fellowship. And again, I was nearly moved to nears. Guess I'm really starting to treasure the people around me. Thank you Lord for these people in my life. I am so happy God used what might have been bad, to turn it into something good 13 years down the road.
And Gordon made a fabulous deal with me. (actually it's more one-sided..) He told me that everytime I went to the hairdresser he goes to, it'll be on him.
Do you know what that means???
Free, beautiful, precise, haircuts for the rest of my life!! Another tearing moment for me. Haha.. You guys might think I'm a little bit too emotional but I haven't had a father's love before Gordon came along. I love you Gordon.

One day, just one day.. I'm so sure I'm gonna call him Dad. Come to think of it, he's been calling me and Sarah kids since 2 years ago? Wow, me and Sarah taking our own time aye? Haha.
Gordon: Hey kids, take some more food!
Oh yes, and this picture overlooks Orchard. Can you spot Centrepoint?

Great dinner, all thanks to the people who made it possible. And so we went back to the apartment on the 8th floor, for desserts.
And while Mom and Mun were washing up the plates from the steamboat we just had. I really experienced what was 1 to 1 Father-Son talk for the first time. This really got me tearing. Gordon got down to teaching me how to take good photos, from the angles, to the thirds effect, from the object of attention, to lighting.. Amazing. He actually took 1/2 an hour just talking about photography. Guess I'll be taking great photos from now on aye?
Sarah was kinda falling asleep. Haha. No wonder Mom talks to Daughter, and Father to Son. Haha. This felt so complete. I always thought confiding in a Mother was always enough. I was proven wrong today. I felt so different when Gordon talked to me. It was like.. my life is complete. Haha.. What am I saying..
Oh yea, we had Bubur Hitam for dessert from my mom, and 'Ice Cream Red Bean Sandwich' from Gordon. It's this craze that has caught the market by storm for this season, Chinese New Year. It's in the shape of a Fish and is really eye-catching.
Gordon gave us all hong baos. What made them so special was that he actually gave us the polymer version of 4 $2 notes. You guys probably seen the $10 and $50 ones, but not the $2 ones I suppose. A very special $8 red packet indeed. I don't even think I want to use the money, it feels so good.
We finally had to bid farewell to Gordon as we needed to head back home. What a lovely night. Overlooking Orchard, spending time with the Family, having 1 to 1 chats.. Truly memorable.
Me and my sis had actually decided Chinatown after the dinner. So we sent Mun and Mom back to the MRT station where they took the train home. My sis decided to go PS arcade and play DrumMania.. A gal playing DrumMania, quite a rare sight right? And it was already 11.30pm..

Well, it was getting late, so we decided against Chinatown. Instead, we headed back home around 1am and went for supper near our place.
Prata and Teh Ping. I had Bandung. Guess steamboat didn't really fill us up. Lolx.
Finally got home after such a long day. I really enjoyed myself so much today. So very much. To think I actually could feel a father's love for the first time. And I felt my family was complete again. It's such a blessing to have your parents. You guys must always remember to thank them.. For all they've done.
See ya guys in church later. I am so tired.. And it's 4am already?! Argh!!
Time to sleep!
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