Friday the 13th
Oh yea! I almost forgot to post this. If you guys didn't know, January's 13 fell on a Friday. So for all those who know what that meant, might have tried to be extra cautious that day.
Well. The few of us didn't even realise that, and of course didn't believe in such stuff, so we met up for dinner. And before I say anything more, the dinner was fabulous, simply amazing, mouth-watering, and out-of-this-world.
Guess what we had. I couldn't believe it when Ben said
"Wanna congee? Killiney Road has a famous one."
*adrenaline rush initiated*
Congee!! How can I possibly say no to congee? The thing that was sent from Heaven. If you guys really want to have a good meal, congee is more than good.. It's fabulous!

Oh yes, and you guys know I've eaten congee from many places right? This is, by far, the best one yet. No kidding. It may look mediocre, but it's made with so much effort I couldn't really decipher what was in it.
The meat was well-marinated. Probably light soya sauce, oyster sauce, and pepper. The century egg was in wedges and not cubes, thus giving more bite and taste. The lovely crispy bits of crackers on top were substitutes for 'youtiao', and were equally delicious. Spring onions were used for both decorative purposes and taste.
I rate this congee: 8/10
Simply delicious. Though it might seem small, trust me.. It is definitely enough to fill you. And I also took funny photos of us when we were there. Enjoy.
Andy looking cool. (or was he just tired?)

Ben Ponders (perhaps, perhaps, perhaps..)

Aaron is cute without needing to act it. *gals screaming*

The next pic is ultimate man.. How was Andy and Jerome think of something like that.. Pls la, you guys are good looking enough la, don't need to pose until so cute can? Haha. Ok la, enough of teasing you guys.. I let the viewers judge for themselves..
Presenting.. Doublé Cutiex

Aww.. How you want to take them home and hug them tight like 'Me-To-You' bears right?
Anyways, that was our dinner on Friday the 13th.
And today, I'm feeling ok. My health is failing man.. Haha. But thanks for all your prayers since 2 weeks ago. Oh my, it's been 2 weeks aye?
I got all my stuff settled and got all my things back from Regent. And guess what?!
I won a slow-cooker in the annual dinner and dance! Haha, didn't even know until Florence was like..
"Peter!! How come you're back?! Did you know you won a prize? You won some slow-cooker! Come! Come! We go collect before they give it to other people!"
And so, I saw her again. How nice. It's been such a long time. Florence, if you're reading this.. I just wanna say.. er.. I.. I...
I think you're still the cheery person. Keep smiling! I really miss
Well, I actually got back my things. My expensive boots that cost $178. And I almost cried when I saw my recipe book that is full with 2 years' supply of recipes! You guys can expect better cakes now.. Haha.
My sis came to meet me at Border's, and she lightened my load by carrying the slow-cooker. What a darling. And we walked down from Orchard to Plaza Singapura looking for a hair-dresser, hopefully EB.. And where did we end up? Plaza Singapura..
And you could see my delight when I saw EB House. It's still $10!! Got the card and sat down, and Ken, Aaron and my Sis when to proceed to get tickets for Memoirs of a Geisha.
When I switched places, I found my card missing!! I can't believe it! It's not anywhere on me, neither anywhere in the shop. And the service was so bad. The lady said..
"Er, no card no cut hor.. You find first, take your time ah.."
And when I asked a second time after searching for 15 minutes, she said the same thing and I left. Talk about service in Singapore. I think we still have a long way to go man. Well, after being super angry for some time. I thought of it this way.
Someone who needed a haircut more than me found the card somehow, got the haircut.. And is blessed because of me. I blessed somone today!
Who am I kidding..
For all you know. The lady found the card at the end of the day and EB House made $10 for doing nothing. Aiyah, God sees everything la, if I didn't get my haircut, God will bless me in other ways. Haha, so I didn't feel so pissed at the end of the day.
Memoirs of a Geisha is sold out? What a bummer. First the hair cut and now greeted with this piece of news. Ken, Aaron and my Sis were super sian. So we went for dinner at the food court.
Only Aaron ate while Ken, my Sis, and I had beverages. And Ken accidentally spilled half of his. This day seems so weird man. But if you guys read the story about 90/10 before, you would learn to think differently.
10% of life is what happens to you.
90% is how you react.
How true. That was how I managed to overcome so many things in life. And I hope you guys would learn this important lesson too.
Oh yes, after dinner we went to do our 'business'. Read about it from my previous post.
Meeting my Mom, Sis, and Gordon for dinner tonight. At a very beautiful restaurant. Will be blogging about it later. Can't wait for the dinner.
Anyway, I hope you guys are looking forward to Chinese New Year! I know I am. It's so fun to know you are going to gain and not lose! A season where teenagers receive and not give. Kinda to gain back what we gave at Christmas aye? Haha.
Adults reading this, we love you guys alot. Those who are single, faster get married.
Ok, going off now to eat. Really famished.
God Bless!
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