I Pulled Through
I pulled through today. Thank you Lord for being with me. Thank you for making this painful day history. I don't want to remember it ever again.
Oh yea, before I forget. The Pic of the Day! Isn't Justus so cute? And there always seem to be someone around Justus anytime anywhere. (not referring to James and Chin..)

Jireh ah.. I know you love him a lot. But remember, he's still a boy after all.. Oh ya, did you guys notice Jireh's new frames from Oakley? It was so suave.
Well, I went Carl's Junior yesterday with Isaac and Claire. Haven't met my 'Jie' in like 1 year? Still remember the times we laughed so hard and go crazy. Yup, she's still the same old happy gal. Only difference - Prettier, sexier, and her luscious highlighted hair..
Thank me Claire. Whoa, I seem to be so flattery these few weeks. Guess I really am beginning to see sides of people I never bothered to compliment before. Guess I really do seem to appreciate people more and more.
Well, Carl's Junior is so good. Had such a wonderful time catching up and chatting with Isaac and Claire. It seemed so familiar. The chatting, the laughing, the crapping.
Oh yea, and here are a few photos we took while we were there.

And look how huge the drink is. And the best part! It's free-refills as many times as you want. Just be careful you don't get drunk on soft drinks. Yes, it's possible..

And wanna know how beautiful Claire is now? I can't help but think she looks more and more like a model everytime I see her. Well, my 'Jie' what.. Got reputation one ok..

Guys in Singapore: Oh Man!! Why is she taken?! Why?!!
Isaac: Shuddup! She's Mine! Bwahaha!
Thank me Isaac. I just promoted your authority. Eh.. How come this phrase sounds so familiar ah? Haha. Well, but it is true. I always thought.. What if I fell in love with my best friend's girlfriend? Hmm.. *ponders*
Oh yes. And I really figured it out. It is true to a certain extent when you give up on the one you know you love. Cos all you want is for her to be happy. And for her to be happy may not be being with you. So yea, it's time to let go and move on Peter.
Well, talked quite a bit today eh. As if things didn't seem bad enough.
I had to be diagnosed with illness that my father has. Of all things, why my father. He's the last person I want to be associated with.
Man, 19 and diagnosed. Lolx. What a joke.
Well, the more impossible the situation seems, the better for God to turn it around aye? And it's not like I'm not taking care of myself. I've been faithfully exercising.
How's your tuesday everyone? Been enjoying yourselves? Hope you guys have been leaning on the Lord. Remember to trust Him.
Trust His Heart.
God Bless!
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