Music Retreat 2005
Man, just had horrible games of DotA. Couldn't feel worse when you lost like so many games in a day. Makes you think whether you can even beat anyone else in bnet. Well. It's 3.50am in the morning, but I know I promised you guys the photos and what happened in the retreat. But before that -
Happy New Year Everyone! It's 2006! And for those of you who don't know already, 2006 will be a good year. Well, before I share about spending New Year's day in Church, here's the Pic of the Day. Model from Dunamis Rock. Ain't she pretty? *clap clap*

Well, today I woke up late cos I stayed up too late, and had to catch up with my sleep that I missed alot in the retreat. So I came only for Youth Service. Ivy led worship, a different one. She started with slow then fast songs. We went to have small groups for the last time together before we have our new groups next week. The leaders had a long meeting till 6, which we actually waited for, and Ken couldn't take the wait. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw 6pm too. Well, here are some pics I took today.
Guys with an Attitude.

Gravija's Angels. Lolx

Signature pose of the dudes in Dunamis Rock.

And so, as promised. We shall enter the three days that you guys couldn't live without my blogging.
Warning - What you are about to see might cause outbursts of laughter and sometimes, sensations of wanting to throw up. If you are below 21, you are advised to not see the next section (but I know you will anyway..) It'll be a pretty long post, so you have to be prepared to want to see this. Ok, here we go.
*warping though time*
Day One - 28th December 2005
I decided to DotA one game in the morning. Figured I had to take a cab anyway cos my bags were too heavy and it'll take just too long. Went to the atm to withdraw my last $40 in my account. Decided to check my balance and received the shock of my life - this shock saved me so many times in the Murderous Polar Bear Game later in the day.
Went for lunch and Uncle Gilbert sent us to the Chalet. Aloha Changi Chalet B. A few of them were already there. I was still in shock. Got briefed and were given 1/2 hour to get our things into our rooms and prepare for our first games.
People fixing up the Safari Bed I brought for Aaron.

We then went for team-building games that Group 2 - My Group - won both. Lolx. But Group 1 was trying hard we all knew that. They had Rachel - and mind you, she's always in the winning team. After those games, the decided on Catch and Captain's Ball.
Headlines - Star Shooter, Janine Ng

And after cooling down with Ice-Cream from an old man who kept saying 'I Beat Your Butt Ah..' in chinese, we settled down for the Murderous Polar Bear Game.
"Everybody close your eyes" (and prepare to die..)

By the way, after a few games, the Alliance was formed. Consisting of Me, Jerome, Jerald, and Aaron, we kinda dominated games after we formed our Alliance.
After all the fun and games, we settled down for dinner (which was better than my hotel's food).

We then had our night session, which God moved powerfully. James shared an important message on 'Why is Praise and Worship so important?'
And after the night session, we had supper!

And so, on this fateful night, we were all touched by God. And I was touched to have one bed (with mattress) to myself. Jerome took the other one.
And yes, once again. The famous pose of the Dudes in Dunamis Rock.

*warping through time*
Day Two - 29th December 2005
Didn't really have a good night's rest, cos I woke up to talk to a friend at 4 to like 5am. 'Woke up' at 7 to wash up and get ready for our first morning Devotion led by Aaron. *gasp* I dun have any photos of our first Devotion..
Anyway, we had the best breakfast in the world. Porridge! If only a girl knew how to cook it. What could possibly be better than congee? Who's nails are those? Cut them before school reopens ah.

And because we had so much time before our first workshop, the people decided to play Cranium. It's this addictive board game from the States that James and Chin won from a game with their friends.

Then we had a Workshop with Uncle Terry. He taught us about what our Musical Diet should be and what should be our Musical Influences.
'Expect Great Things From God,
Attempt Great Things For God.'

And so, after the teabreak and workshop 2, we went for lunch. (As usual, hotel canteen - no where close.)
Then I received a call from my mom saying I had to call school up to settle my issue with finding a hotel. I called them up and got things settled fast. But as I was still in a sad mood, I didn't really talk to anyone much this day. I just stoned and watched as people played Boogle and Charades.
Unforgiveness is something we all need to let go off. I finally forgave someone for making me feel broken and I felt much better. We had another wonderful night session where I was again, touched by God. Even when you feel so insignificant, God still wants to use you.
Uncle Gilbert shared with us 'Who God Is', and 'Who We Are'.

We had supper again after the night session, and we decided all to be good and turn in early. And because Ben, Ken, and Andy were staying over henceforth - Me, EQ, Jerome, and Ken had to squeeze into 2 single mattresses. How crazy was that..
But before sleeping, EQ got his hair done by Aunty Vivian! EQ looks more handsome!

Lala-Land Awaits!
*warping through time*
Day Three - 30th December 2005
(this post is taking forever, and I'm trying not to fall asleep.)
Rise and Shine! I was awaken to 'Peterchew I Choose You!' from Ben. What a great wake up call.. I was the latest for Devotion. (pai seh ah) Joram shared with us and told us about giving of our first fruits to God.

Breakfast was next. Toast with cheese was a hit amogst many. But I was happy with just French Toast. The Workshop with Uncle Sze Cheng was next. It was application to our lives.
But before he started the session, he made us play the number game, which Jerome, Janine, and Christine lost and had to do a forfeit - Dancing around the

After the session about application to our Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Spiritual, we had lunch and free time before we headed to the beach. And yes, alot of cool pics where inspired at the beach.
Some dude wanted to show off his pearly-whites before heading there..

Cutiex. Oh yes, Janine should really get a digicam. Most of the ideas for the next few pics all came from her.
'the sky is falling!'

'In the palm of my hands'

'I am the King of the World'

Aaron Almighty (guess the hand.)

Yea, and this is the only group photo I have of the whole retreat. But like 1/2 of the people are missing in it. Couldn't find another time to take a group photo for everyone.

After heading back to the Chalet, we played Cranium again.. And Rachel's team won again! (she joined in the last 10 min or something.. Heh..)
Next up was Mountain Top. It was a first for me in 3 years, and I shared about what I felt about the whole retreat and how the adults have blessed me. I want to thank all of them, esp the kitchen crew who stay up so late and wake up so early just so we have things to eat. A round of applause for all of them!
After Mountain Top, which took an incredibly long time to end, we went for the most-awaited event of the Music Retreat! The BBQ!!

Andy: Hey what's there to eat there Jana?
Jana: Chicken Wings.
Andy: Alright, thanks.
Jana: Huh? You want me to get them for you?
Andy: yea, thanks.
- Jana proceeds to get Chicken Wings -
Peter: Hey Rach, is there anything other than chicken wings?
Rachel: Yea, marshmallows and fish.
Peter: Alright, thanks.
Rachel: You want me to get them?!
Peter: Yea thanks Rachel.
- Rachel prceeds to get marshmallows and fish -
Jerald: Hey, you guys having a good time eh?
Peter: Yea. No need to move our butts.
Andy: Wanna join us?
Jerald: Sure.
Peter: Hey Ken, is there anything other than marshmallows, chicken wings, and fish?
Jana and Rachel: Don't answer them!
Ken: Er not really.
Peter: I'll have the marshmallows then. Thanks.
Jerald: Yea thanks.
Andy: Thanks.
Ken: -.-'''
- 1/2 hour later -
Jerald: The Grass, The Lamp Post, The Sea. What's Next?
Jerome: Er. The Tree?
Jerald: Correct.
- 1 hour later -
4 guitars playing progression in 'G', and the music never ends for 2 hours. Ranging from christian to chinese, and even to national day songs. How 'boh-liao' can we get..
Following this, it was Murderer. Yes.. what other games can we think of at 1am in the morning.. Most of the guys decided to sleep outside but I still like air-con alot. So I slept on the hard floor cos Jerome and Ken took both beds to themselves. (anyway, thanks Ernest for the sleeping bag)
And so we ended the last night on a beautiful note. Every that was taught was taken down on my journal pad. I learnt so much more in these 3 days than the last 1 year. Amazing how God has poured down his blessings on us.
*warped back to reality*
And here we are! Back in 2006, where life gets better everyday. After typing so much, I think I'm crazy.. It's 5.45am in the morning. I've taken like 2 hours to do this blog today. So if you guys appreciate it, please tag on my board.
Oh yes, if you want the full album of 130+ photos, just tell me and give me a cd for me to burn into. Have a good week everyone. Sweet dreams!
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