Trip to Chinatown
Yes I know I promised this post for you guys last week. But then, poor Peter had to come down with a terrible flu that he is still recovering from now. How sad right. But, better late than never right!
Haha. I'm still sick but recovering finally. No new illnesses, no new pain. Anyway, the Pic of the Day! (what you can do when you're really bored at home, and craving for something to eat..)

Haha. I was so very bored and decided to create this 'shout-out' for people who can cook congee to come audition for post as 'Mrs. Chew'.
Lolx. (watever Peter..)
Anyways, the youths went to Chinatown last Tuesday, Hari Raya Haji. We met kinda late though, around 6, but waiting for Ivy and Ben left Ken in tears as he endured the pain of not having eaten anything the whole day. (see la, never eat la.. WoW somemore..)
And my, were we greeted with a crowd when we left the MRT station.
Andy: Oh no, how come so crowded sial..
Ken: I am never ever coming back again..
Ben: *laughs*
Peter: *laughs*
Ivy: *gives cold sweat look*
Aaron: *laughs*
Rachel: *tired from waiting 1+ hour for everyone cos she arrived early*
And here are some pics to show you guys how very crowded Chinatown can be even on Hari Raya Haji. Goodness.

Ken: When are we reaching?! I'm starving *squirms around* Argh..
And so we finally arrived at the Food Paradise. A pity not air-conditioned and we had to wait half and hour for seats. And when we finally got the seats, guess what was the first thing aaron decided to do? Yes, have some shut-eye.

And yes. Being the hungry that Ken was, he took all initiative to go with Ivy to get food for us. While the rest of us had the most important job, making sure nobody gets our table.
And er, let me ask you guys a question. Would you queue 45 minutes for Hokkien Mee and Oyster Omelette? *ponders*
- 45 minutes later -
The food has arrived. Greeted with a not-so-happy face from Ken.
Ken: The Hokkien Mee better be good cos I queued 45 minutes for it.
Notice that Ken has not eaten anything the whole day. At it was already 8.30pm. The rest of us didn't have a good time at the table either. We were doing our best to control ourselves from finishing the Sambal Stingray and Sambal Kangkong that were also meant for Ivy and Kenneth.
It's time to eat! (oh ya, it seemed this meal, very few people said grace ah. all too hungry is it? must remember to thank God for our food ah..)

And my call of the day! Oyster Omelette!

And tell me guys. Was the food good? *awaits response in fear*
I hear knives and cups and forks all being thrown at me. Well then, I guess we won't be making this place a frequent.
Ken: I'm pissed. The food was bad. More food anyone?
And just as we were about to leave. Ken had to pull off a stunt that made all of us go 'er..' Want to know what it was, go ask Ken. It will make you go 'er...' too.
So we then sent Rachel to the MRT station cos her dad was coming to pick her up. And on the way, some of us were so tempted to buy DragonBeard. And it was only at the MRT station did we all decide to use the loo. At the 'Food Paradise' earlier, you have to pay 10 cents and I think it wouldn't be half as clean as the MRT's free use. (not saying the MRT's was that clean.)
And leaving the station once again, we decided to let Ivy lead the way (bad choice.. bad choice.. you'll know why later..) Ben and Aaron got 'Cha Ye Dan' - also known as Eggs infused in Tea Leaves.
And Andy made me take this picture of him as we were walking around. He said it would be perfect. Not bad la. Considering it looked like it was 'his' road.

And you know why you cannot ask Ivy to lead?
[1] She won't tell you where she's going
[2] She's going somewhere nearer to her home
[3] It might be 2 MRT stops away
[4] She'll always say 'reaching already la'
[5] She won't let us take cab
[6] She start pointing in some direction and say 'over there la'
[7] She will start crapping about how the snake is different from the dragon
[8] She'll change topic when you ask about where we're going
[9] You will be super tired after her leading
[10] She cannot be a future Moses. (take this with a pinch of salt)
That basically summed up where she took us. Not very far away la, only from Chinatown to Tiong Bahru.
Tiong Bahru!!
Ivy!! Ask you bring us go eat! Not bring us go see night sky and have a night walk! Why bring us so far away!!
But all is forgiven later. Why? You'll find out.
And so we arrived at Tiong Bahru market at 10pm. Yes.. 10pm. Madness.

The first pic said it all. Where is my Congee? Right here, at Tiong Bahru market. You're forgiven Ivy. So you guys know ah, make me angry just
Laugh Out Loud.
And the best part. It became a photo-taking session. Ivy and the 2 guys, Ben and Andy. Of course Andy took one of me and a pretty gal behind me (but I won't show it la.. my future wife might be reading my blog..)
Ivy and Ben

Ivy and Andy

And so that basically ended our night out last Tuesday. We rushed cab home cos Ben wanted to catch his last episode of some show. (but the last episode was actually the day before.. sad.)
Oh yes. The answer to yesterday's question is (d) Shandelzare, The Vengeful Spirit. She was betrayed by Motred and begged Elune to let her stay in the world to exact revenge. She, too, came from the group called Wardens. (bet you didn't know that)
And how come Joram keeps getting it right?
And here is today's question. Hextar is the God of War and Light.
Question: Who then, is the avatar of Hextar?
(a) Ezalor, the Keeper of the Light
(b) Chen, the Holy Knight
(c) Zeus, the Lord of Olympia
(d) Nortrom, the Silencer
Answers on the tagboard pls. Thanks.
Hope you guys had a great time reading this post. Ivy must be super happy now that I got the pics up. Ok guys, got to go grab something to eat now.
Have a great Thursday tomorrow!
God Bless!
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