It's Just A Meeting
Had a horrible morning. Woke up late for service, and I knew I was doing back-up for Main. I have nothing to say. 2 days in a row, I was so late for my appointments. Peter Peter.. *sigh*
I finally knew what it meant to 'wrestle with God'. I wrestled with God for half an hour before coming to church. I won't elaborate cos it would take too long, and I guess you guys won't want to fall asleep aye? Learnt an important lesson today. Never leave God out of your life. Just remember, He controls the world, not the other way round.
Main service was great. Shelley lead and gave us a new CD for us to listen to. Has been 4 months since I got a free CD. Yes, call me cheapo.
Went for lunch, and that's where I started photo taking.

The food on the table

And reaching back to church, I couldn't help but spot a very bright gal. Well, firstly. Her hair highlights matched her under blouse. Secondly, it was so clear she was letting go of the option for entering JC.
A gal, with long thick streaks. A clear sign she's making a stand against entering JC, even with her good points. Wanna know who? Let me introduce you to a friend of mine.
Ah Lian Janine (hahahahaha)

You almost couldn't believe a gal I mentioned above could actually have such a great smile right? Just look at her, seems like she's really happy with her decision.
And a picture of the people behind

Ok, service was great. Aunty Anna preached about our lives, and how we should live our lives. Quite a thinking one for me, reflected a lot on it.
But before we broke to small groups, Charlene talked to me and I told her how I struggled this morning. And I was glad I decided to make a stand against putting myself down and blaming God. I chose to trust Him and rebuke negative self talk.
Small groups was good.. UNTIL
Jonathan: Eh Tuesday ah.. Tuesday ah..
Ken: Yea, someone's got a date ya?
Andy: What I do?!?!
And the most shocking came when this was said.
Esther Lee: Ya.. Someone's got a date on Tuesday leh..
=.= How did she know? Apparently I found out that Esther found out from her small groups. Looking over, I saw that her small groups contained Cheryl.
I went over and asked, "Cheryl, what did you say?"
She replied, "It's nothing!! It's just a meeting what!"
Me: Yes I know.. But you're not the one staying here in Singapore you know..
Cheryl: Oh yea..
Me: And you don't have someone like Andy you know..
Cheryl: Oh yea!!
Me: And I am staying here in Singapore you know..
Cheryl: But it's ok la..
Me: =.=
And not long later, just about 5 minutes later, she screamed
Cheryl: I'm meetin Peter on Tuesday la!!
Guys: HUH?! We can't hear you Cheryl!!
Me: *speechless*
And because we were taking cab, together with Pam, everyone just had to make a big deal out of it. What was that..
And just before leaving, Cheryl said another killer phrase.
Cheryl: Don't go TCC ah!!
Cheryl: *whispers to me* we're going there.
Me: *still speechless*
And cos Pam wanted chocolates, we went to the petrol station to get them. And I saw bouquets of roses (3 in each), and they were selling at a obnoxious $13.60!! My goodness!! I bought it anyway, don't ask me why. And just as we waiting for the cab, Aunty Anna was across the road.
It was amusing to see how Aunty Anna and Cheryl communicated amidst heavy traffic. And best ah. Aunty Anna saw the bouquet in my hands. Looks like this Sunday is going to be a firing session from all the youths. Barrage I tell you..
But really. This is the first time I bought roses. I've folded them, I've seen people get them. But never bought one myself. And it had to be so expensive. And Pam, please stop winking at me regarding your sis. I know Tuesday is going to be a great time of fellowship.
Roses are beautiful

Or at least I think so? Some people love other flowers. Some like tulips, some like lilies. I wonder which one my future girlfriend will like.
*ponder ponder ponder*
Anyways, I got to go now. It's late and I have to sleep. Have a great week everyone!
God Bless!
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