So So Happy!!!
And so, here I am. Sorry I didn't post the last 2 days. Didn't have much to post. I know you guys must really miss me alot. Haha. I missed the blogging too. But today, you guys are in for a treat. Make sure when you read this post, you are neither hungry nor have cravings. Or else, you are going to feel really famished after this post.
Ok, so yesterday, 22nd of February, was SMX's Mom's Birthday. Ok, feeling lost? SMX, Shen Ming Xiong, aka Frieden, aka Simon, is my best friend in school. Also my badminton partner, we share a lot of fun together. And now thinking back, everytime I went out with him, I never was once disappointed. His mom is a really hospitable lady, always inviting me to her place for dinner, and always concerned about my life. His sister is studying in MDIS, Business Management Diploma.
And so let me bring you back to last night.
The night I felt so good and satisfied.
- 22nd February 2006 - (approx 6.30pm)
So I finally met SMX, his mom and sis after taking a long ride in 2 buses. It is so very difficult to get to Siglap from Hougang man. First I had to go down to Still road, then switched bus to 13, which would bring me there. There were having drinks and I thought this was where we were having dinner. But nope, we soon left this place, and took a cab down to East Coast. Man!! It's been such a long time since I last came to East Coast. I missed it so much man!!
After alighting the cab

So, this whole stretch features so many seafood restaurants, and competition is tight because they survive mainly on regulars. And where did we have dinner, you ask? Red House Seafood Restaurant. It has been around since 1976, and it was Aunty's pick for dinner. (sorry ah SMX, I don't know how to call your mom..Lolx.)

And so we places our orders. The range was great, and I really wanted to allow them to decide what to eat. Honestly, I felt like an extra, the whole family was there, and I was there too.. And SMX said -
SMX: Peter, today you are the VIP ok?
Me: Your head la!! Your mom is the VIP la..
SMX: Eh, today my treat lor.. So can order anything you want.
Xueli: Ya ya, order more order more..
SMX: Eat All You Can!!
Me: =.=
Xueli is SMX's sister by the way. And so upon hearing that it was SMX's treat and not his mom, I picked up the menu. And guess what was in the first few items I saw?? Ee Fu Mee!!
Whoa, man. I love Ee Fu Mee, it's so delicious. And it's texture, so heavenly. And so they were also busy ordering different items off the menu. I was just impressed with how improved East Coast has become.
The ordering

The Scenery

The long stretch of other restaurants

And of course, the real VIP

Aunty!! Oh ya, isn't the scenery great? I love it man. One day, I'll bring my dear here. Whoa, it's so beautiful man. And breezy, and romantic. And the compliments just go on..
SMX: Eh Peter, we go walk walk a bit..
Me: Ok lor, wait ah.. I need to bring my cam.
SMX: =.=
Smx took a great shot of the sky behind me

And him with the restaurants behind

And then we headed back to the table. Just a little while later, the food arrived. And we were practically surviving on the Sambal Kangkong for like 15 minutes. Oh ya, and the Caramel Walnuts too (which cost $2.50 by the way, such a rip-off..)
And then after 15 minutes, our first item after the kangkong came. Oh yes, and the kangkong is the best I've had in my entire life. Ken would love to hear this aye? It's cooked till perfection, not too oily, and crunchy to the bite. And best of all, really appetizing.
Barbequed Australian Lobster

Look at that piece of dead corpse!! How did it get THAT huge?!?! I've never even seen such a huge lobster before. And I've never even eaten a whole lobster before!! Man, I just sat in stupefaction. Being so 'sua-ku', the first thing I ate from the plate was the tomato. Lolx. Considering the lobster was much more than the tomato slices, I kinda thought the tomatoes were rare-er.. Lolx. What was I thinking..
And the food just came pouring in.
Ee Fu Mee!!

And the rest of the fabulous food

Let me name all the dishes out -
1. BBQ Austalian Lobster
2. Ee Fu Mee
3. Ginger and Leek with Venison (Deer Meat)
4. Sambal Kangkong
5. Hong Kong Fried Noodles
6. Steamed Garoupa (I think..)
Oh yes, the picture doesn't show the Steamed Garoupa yet. Our table was too full to serve that. And I was having a hard time believing I was living it up. It was a evening/night to remember man. I've never had so much good food in such a long time. Amazing. I am proud to call myself a gastronomist last night. I felt on top of the world man, or rather my stomach.. Haha.
And so, it was a remarkable dinner. So much talking, so much laughter, and so much happiness. It was so nice to see Aunty feel so happy. She really must be filling as good as I am, if not better. The epitome of extravagance.
We let our stomachs' rest a bit. We chatted as the night sky fell. And it became more romantic. Whoa, really must bring my future dear here. Haha. So beautiful man.
And the highlight of the night. SMX, as you guys might already know, takes the same course as me. Diploma in Pastry and Baking, where we learn cakes, breads, desserts, petit fours etc. So.. He made his mom a Durian Cake, with much love and appreciation.
The Cake of Love

Xueli lights the candle

After singing the birthday song, we had Aunty make a wish for the coming year. The smile on her face probably gave it all away. She must have wished for her 2 children well.
And then, she cuts the cake

SMX, your cake is splendid la!! So nice can!! Durian cake rocks man. Really love it. Eh, SMX, your birthday also coming right? What you want from me?
Oh ya hor.. I just realised something. SMX, your birthday is 1 month and 1 day away from your mom's. So cool can!! 23rd March, everyone remember ah. Must give SMX something for his birthday too.
So that summed up my night. It was so good. And when I got home, my download was complete. Took 6 hours to download one game, goodness. But spent more time playing it. Haha.
I'll never forget this night. It was too good to be true. I love the company, I love the people, I love the food, and I love the smiles.
Ok, I shall put this up on the 'Incredulous Reads' section. It's too good to forget about it.
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