Sherry and Sity
JJ Lin Lookalike - Nicholas Lin
Always Positive - Chee Ming
Master of Disappearing Acts - Varsha
Man, I miss these guys so much. They made my days at FHA so memorable. If we could just spend more time together, I'm sure we would be bossom friends. They're such a great bunch, and I love them loads.
See the publicity for the carts?
Feasting while we're working - irresistable food
The food samples were fantastic. My favourite were the sundried tomatoes - simple fabulous. I loved every moment of working life, there at FHA, and I'm sure I'ld do it a million more times if given the chance.
Here's a picture of me
Still working even after the event was over
Don't act 'dao' please..
Speaking of acting 'dao', so many people tend to act like that in front of the camera.
WHY?! You have such a great smile, why hide it? And I must talk more about Nicholas here. He's a fellow brother-in-christ, which is something really great to know. He plays the bass guitar and rocks his world for the Lord. Ain't that simple great to hear?
And he's such a great guy man. Most of the time really quiet, but I know deep down, he's one full of ideas and comments on the things that revolves in this world. Rock on Nicholas, I'll always be your friend.
I believe friends only die if you let them. I'm not going to give up the friendships I have, though sometimes circumstances may not allow for so much meeting time. But I believe if you really want to continue being a blessing to your friends, you got to work hard at it.
Alright, it's getting late, and I need to wake up at 7 am tomorrow morning. See you guys in church!
God Bless!
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