The Da Vinci Code - Spoilers
Had a few instances of deja vu this evening. One of the many that I had was having mango pudding at Food Republic. Just had the same item 2 days ago with 'guest'. Was so close to telling ben about who 'guest' was. A good thing I was able to keep my tongue.

Here are some photos we took just before we entered the cinema. I was contemplating whether to put these up, because I notice I haven't appeared in my blog with specs for a very long time. But then again, I look great even with them on. *smiles*
Phebe, Andy, Charlene, Ben, and Me

So anyway, I made a few really dumb spoilers in the movie, and though I think it's crap, it made the rest laugh abit.
Spoiler No. 1
Teabing is Magneto in disguise. There was this scene in the movie where he comes out from the airplane and is surrounded by around a dozen police cars. And when the police shouted, "Freeze! Hands in the air!", I honestly thought he would say, "As you wish..", and then proceed to raise his hands making all the police cars get raised into the air.
Spoiler No. 2
Sophie is Jean Grey in disguise. There was a scene when she and Prof. Langdon were in the back of a truck. And due to claustrophobia, he was getting really sick. Sophie then sandwiches his forehead with her hands and massages it. This scene was also featured in X Men, when Jean read another mutant's thoughts.
Spoiler No. 3
Silas became 'evil' because he lost Wimbledon. I know this has no link, but he turned to the dark side when he lost Wimbledon (taken from the movie with the same name, main role by the man himself, Paul Bettany), and turned to the Opus Dei (is this how it's spelt?).
Spoiler No. 4
Dr Octopus never died. Spiderman thought Dr. Octopus was gone forever. He was wrong, very wrong. Dr. Octopus came back and became a
Spoiler No. 5
Prof. Langdon is Wolverine? This point was initiated by Ben. He was wondering how Prof. Langdon in the last scene got a cut while shaving, but the very next moment, didn't even have a scar or trace of it.
-end of spoilers-
Ok, that was pretty dumb, but nonetheless, funny. I liked the company alot. Don't even start about the whole evening being good because of Phebe. Yes, it's nice to see her in a very long time, and yes I've missed her (I know you people wanted to hear that), but that's about it. Knowing that she's well and doing good, is more than enough for this friend of hers.
Oh yes, the secret that I was meant to keep is now broken. *sobs* It was meant to be kept forever. I was meant to be protected. I was raised to keep it from the people around me. Now, I have to start running for my life, because.. beacuse.. I am of the royal bloodline.
And after the movie Ben asked me something really weird that made me laugh. I totally didn't expect this coming from him.
"So, now that we know you're of the bloodline Peter, we don't really care. Just tell us who your 'guest' is. Remember that person might be the one to help you carry on the bloodline!"
I laughed so hard I didn't know what to answer him. I think 'guest' is probably laughing when reading this too. It's probably the funniest thing I've heard all week. Lolx.
Alright, it's getting late. What a stupid post, I think I'm still too hyper but at least everything is real good. I'm not working tomorrow (wednesday), so if anyone wants to meet me, I go by first-come-first-serve basis. Lolx. Alright people, have a good one tomorrow!
God Bless!!!
Oh yes, the secret that I was meant to keep is now broken. *sobs* It was meant to be kept forever. I was meant to be protected. I was raised to keep it from the people around me. Now, I have to start running for my life, because.. beacuse.. I am of the royal bloodline.
And after the movie Ben asked me something really weird that made me laugh. I totally didn't expect this coming from him.
"So, now that we know you're of the bloodline Peter, we don't really care. Just tell us who your 'guest' is. Remember that person might be the one to help you carry on the bloodline!"
I laughed so hard I didn't know what to answer him. I think 'guest' is probably laughing when reading this too. It's probably the funniest thing I've heard all week. Lolx.
Alright, it's getting late. What a stupid post, I think I'm still too hyper but at least everything is real good. I'm not working tomorrow (wednesday), so if anyone wants to meet me, I go by first-come-first-serve basis. Lolx. Alright people, have a good one tomorrow!
God Bless!!!
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