My Off Day - What A Blast
This post is going to be rather long. I've not had such an exciting day for such a long time. I always believe a day like this comes rarely, and I must blog about it when I get the chance to! Whoa, what a wonderful day, loved every moment of it!
So, decided to join my sis and her friends to go Ice Skating this morning. I mean, this would be the first time in my life (yes, after 20 years of living on this earth). I was woken up by my sis' banging on the door, trying desperately to wake me from my sleep. I'm glad I dragged myself out of bed, and I will never regret that decision. Never ever. Lolx.
However! It was so so far away! The mrt ride there was 45 minutes! All the way from Hougang to Jurong East is no joke man. But nonetheless, we got there finally, and was late by 20 minutes. Lolx. Typical singaporeans aye?
Fuji Ice Palace

look at the crowd!

me myself I myself me

what a huge group!

But no worries! I easily caught on, and managed to pose for the camera! Wahahaha! I'm a pro when it comes to taking pictures. (no matter where, how, why, when! I'll always be ready for a snap! I think.)
nice? nice? nice?

get what I mean?

the weird things gals do

Hint: the watch.
shoes too..

The day didn't end there. We decided to go over to Vanessa's church for pool! Yes, Vanessa, that Vanessa. And yes, Heart of God.

Sarah and Vanessa (yes yes..)

the game that rocks

long john's for dinner!

So, what more can I add to this already very interesting day? More of course! *pumped* I made a video of EQ doing streetball moves. Wow, simply wow. He's very good at what he does man. I mean, I know he was good all along, but this good?
See it for yourself. Don't blink.
Amazing right?!?! Crazy stuff there bro, truly something (the video) worth playing over and over many times. I'm proud of what you can achieve and more to come! Keep it up, and don't stop inventing new moves alright? Lolx.
Did the night end there?! No, of course not! (I know some of you must be thinking whether all these happened in 12 hours. Lolx) We decided to pay Skate Park a visit @ Somerset. Wanted to go check it out since I heard about it from my cousin, Bernard.
nice stuff these guys do

So, was in awe at the guys doing what they were doing, when I saw someone who looked like Bernard. And I was telling EQ,
Me: That guy looks like my cousin.
EQ: That one?
Me: Yea.
And then.. The guy turned his head and looked at me.

And we left the park at 9.30pm. I decided to take the train back with EQ to Tampines, and take bus 72 from the interchange. I do it all the time with Ken, so I figured why not?
We grabbed a drink at Macs, the 24-hour one, and guess what? It was packed. And people there were not really eating food, they were just having drinks (which seemed like they were consumed more than an hour ago). Why?
what else?

Obviously like me EQ doesn't dig the game that much like everyone else does. His thoughts of it are the same as mine. Why else we call ourselves twins for, if we can't even think the same? Lolx.
not digging it at all

Alright, that finally ended my day and night out. We initially wanted to stay to see a goal being scored, not to join in the roar, but to see how these people could cheer so loud when 1 of 22 people on the field scores a ball.. We figured against it. The cheer would have probably spoilt my whole perfect day. Lolx. And anyway, we were too tired to stay on.
hur hur. You guys better have liked this post I tell you. Took me so long to upload all 18 photos (all edited and well resized for better viewing pleasure), and the video too. Lolx.
I'm finally done! Need to go get some sleep now. Tomorrow I'm working 8 hours, and I can't wait to make more guests happy with my service. You guys have a great day too alright?
God Bless!!
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