Overdue Post
This was supposed to be posted like almost a week back? Lolx. I've been so busy this week that my blogging actually has backlog. And backlog for a blogger is not good. It means you still have to post what you need to post, just that at a later timing. *roll eyes*
Last saturday before the dinner, I went down to my outlet to celebrate a colleagues birthday. Huiling turned 18 last friday, and the outlet wanted to give her a surprise on saturday. I wasn't working, so I spent 5 hours doing up a Blueberry Cheesecake upon Shi Hua's request. I miss baking so much, and it turning out so beautiful proves to me that I still have what it takes. Lolx.
My apologies to all you guys at the stayover if you thought this cake was for you people. I really did wanted to make for you guys too, just that it wasn't enough. Saw the disappointed look in all your faces when I came to the stayover without the cake.
the cake

Happy Birthday Huiling

the chefs (why am I not one of them, lolx)

Yi Hui and Jane


Meeting Jerome and EQ in about an hour's time for some hanging out. Will be taking more photos and posting again tonight. Tomorrow church, and I wonder who's preaching for Main and Youth. Everyone has their fingers crossed for Aunty Anna to do Youth.
Alright, time to get ready for later. Hope you guys are enjoying your second last day of the holidays. Oops, shouldn't have reminded you guys. Lolx. Anyways, guess the one month holidays has served it's purpose well for you guys aye?
God Bless
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