Brazil - Gastronomical!
What a great day! Firstly, I got to sleep in without worrying what time to wake up. Secondly, I went for a wonderful class in church. And thirdly, I got a treat to a fabulous dinner! I'm so happy tonight I could dream of you.
~ What was that? ~
Ok, so let's start with waking up at 2pm. It's something I haven't done in a long long time. I mean, when was the last time I got to sleep in till so late? Almost a month ago. Work has been so busy, and I've been going out so late that I almost forgot that 8 hours of sleep was needed. And I got it last night! Not 4, not 8, but 10 hours of sleep! *smiles*
And then there was foundation class in church. It was something I never felt for in my 10 years of church life. Finally, I sat down in a class, and talked about God. To me, I used to be jealous of everyone having foundation class except me. And finally, at this tender age of 19, I finally got it! It was so nice I tell you. To talk about God, about His love, about worship, and so much more. To me, discovering God together with some others is so beautiful. I will forever treasure this foundation class I'm getting.
I met EQ at the MRT station after class, and we were headed for Brazil for dinner. Being the intelligent me, I actually found the fastest way to get to this ulu place by going to Orchard first, then taking a bus down to the destination. *pats self* It was so tough to find this place I tell you, it seems not a part of Singapore.
So, the story is this. 2 angels were sent down from Heaven. They came Singapore because they didn't have the Irish accents (unlike that from 'Touched by an Angel'). They were asked by God to treat a certain duo, named EQ and Peter. Finding these 2 was such a chore, but the angels were thankful they found them in Moriah - Dunamis Rock. So, these 2 angels invited these 2 adorable kids to dinner at Brazil, and these 2, being so cute, agreed to the request with a smile on their faces. Aww, how sweet right?
*roll eyes*
the destination

cheese balls bread

EQ wore a nice T

I heart it

his posé

don't shy don't shy

We got home in a cab, and the angels left. Their duty was over and I'm sure we were so nice to them, that they would definitely treat us again. Right right?! And please, I do not want to stay behind after the rapture. Tsk.
I better turn in. Main service tomorrow, followed by youth. I'm hoping that it'll be good, and I can't wait to have a good time tomorrow. See you people in church tomorrow.
God Bless!!
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