So, it's another off day. Well, actually I asked for wednesdays because I want to ice skate this day every week. I was supposed to ice skate in the afternoon and meet EQ for badminton in the evening as planned. But I postponed it because Isaac wanted to meet for dinner. EQ was fine with it, and so we will hold badminton next wednesday!

Ice skating was yet another high for me today. Not only was I able to ice skate without focusing on balancing, I was pairing with my sister to synchronise our skating. It was so difficult but extremely challenging. We were going right foot on 1 and 3s, and left on 2 and 4s. And at the end of it, we actually managed to skate in-sync for one whole song! Wow.
We had lunch at Long John's, and this is a photo of me before I went home to get changed and meet Isaac at around 7.30pm.

I got home around 5.30pm and had about an hour to prepare before heading out again to meet Isaac. And because it would be a formal meeting, we were both to wear suits. It was so long since I last wore my suit and man did I love wearing it again.
The arrangement was 7.30pm at Raffles Exchange TCC. I was late by 15 minutes and nearly got the shock of my life when the train literally
jumped on the way to Dhoby Ghaut. Man, that was way scary.
and me!
We got down to ordering our food. We both decided on the same, Smoked Salmon Linguine Thermidor. Very good, though a bit fishy. And I couldn't help but get photos of the both of us. Lolx. I love formal wear!

Dinner was great and so was the meeting. Sorted some things out that we would put in place, culture and service quality. This would probably be one of the few meeting Isaac could actually get me to be serious and not kidding around. Lolx. It was good, and hard work does pay off.
After dinner, we decided to take the bus home. Buses are so much more comfortable than trains. Better seats equals better comfort. But just before that, we passed by Fullerton Hotel, and I needed to snap snap snap!
nice right?!

And Isaac looked great. And then there was me. Being the very demanding
model that I am, I needed some good shots. Isaac did a great job. The next few photos are pictures you'll rarely see me in, goofing around and having fun.
serious sia...
holy innocent's? (sure or not?!)
pout? =.=

It was fun. Real fun. You know, I need good photos of myself too, and I always have my hands full trying to get the best photos of you people. Lolx. But Isaac did a great job. Oh yes, my favourite photo of the night. It was very well taken and my suit was flapping with the wind.

I dig this photo! It's so nice la! I don't know what pose I was trying to do, but I know it turned out very well, way better than what I expected. Lolx.
Tomorrow is another day at work. I know I'm going to enjoy myself, and I know that it's going to be a good day! Hope you people have been having a good week too!
God Bless!!
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