*sob* I've been tagged. Zzz. Ok, anyway I've got some time to spare so why not? Joram made me do this. Lolx. But it'll be good for you people who want to know more about me. Haha. Right. *roll eyes*
Instructions: Once you've been tagged, you have to write six weird facts/ quirks/ habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you have to choose 5 people and list their names... No tag backs.
6 weird truths about me:
1. I am very particular about my hair! (yes, that would mean no playing around with it, thank-you-very-much.)
2. I straighten my hair before going out. (yea yea, roll your eyes somemore. I only do it for my tail, it's very important for it to look good.)
3. I blast my music when I go to sleep. (yes, to a point my sis sometimes has to blast hers to listen to her music in her room. Or so I think.)
4. I have a world of my own. (Gravija's. I think most of you already know about it. And most of you are in it. Teeheehee.)
5. I exercise. (That is way weird ok!! I mean, I
6. My smile was trained. (Believe it or not. I actually stared at the mirror for a few weeks to learn a good smile. It really helps, go obsess yourself with your wonderful facial features.)
Best friend: Charlene
Crush: The 7-year one. Yes, pink cheesecake..
Movie: How would I remember that?! It might have been ranging from something like HI5 to Mary Poppins. I'm referring to the standard and approach.
Lie: I think it was when I said something that was not the truth. Wait. Isn't that what a lie is? AGAIN. How would people actually remember their first lie? *roll eyes*
When was the last time you:
Had a cigarette: Never. And I don't plan to ever start.
Had a drink: Iced water before I came back to my com and checked out different youths' blogs, and found out that Joram tagged me. Lolx.
Got a ride: Thurs. Ben drove me home after a wonderful
Watched a movie: Superman. It was too long-winded for me, but the animation was fantastic. I did blog about it, remember?
Used the phone: 10 seconds ago. Lolx. Don't bother trying to find out who it was.
Bought a CD: I didn't buy it, but was rather a beautiful gift from Uncle Sze Cheng and Aunty Em. Juwita Suwito's Brand New World. Magnificent vocals and it's autographed too!!
Have you ever:
Dated one of your best friends: Does Gina count? Lolx.
Been arrested: Yea, in Monopoly. *roll eyes*
Skinny-dipped: Should I pretend I don't know what it is? Lolx. "what is skinny-dip ah? I know skinny latte, but skinny-dip I don't know leh.." Anyway, it's a no.
Been on TV: Yea, many instances. I was a regular for Kids @ Work. Of course, that was when I was a child, not now.
Missed someone you don't know: How do you miss someone you don't know? As in like - someone who walks pass you, smelt wonderful, had a great smile, and made you go ga-ga? Other than that, most probably no. Lolx.
4 things you did today:
(a) work. 8 hours from 11 am to 7 pm, without a break because it was awfully busy.
(b) dinner. My first meal of the day at 9pm. Tsk. Pepper lunch was a first and I still had Long John's after that. Starved to stuffed.
(c) DotA. It's quite a routine every night. Lolx. As usual, we beat the opponent team, with a high score and loads of strategy. Want to try this wonderful game out? *evil grin*
(d) blog. Yes, doing this post is getting me so sleepy. It's quite fun though. Letting people know more about me would definitely help me know more friends, or maybe even more than that. Lolx.
4 sounds you hear at this very moment:
(a) tower fan
(b) tower fan
(c) tower fan
(d) did I mention tower fan? Yea, tower fan.
People to do this:
Teeheehee.. My turn to tag people to do this post.
1. Jerald (I doubt he will. He's too lazy to do such stuff)
2. Joash (a reason for you to update bro)
3. Jeslin (more updates please!)
4. Janine (on request of Joram and me!)
5. Charlene (go ask her for her blog address. It's beautiful.)
Oh yes, and before I go. Here's a little something from me to you. Hope you like it. Lolx. Remember, a smile makes other smiles form. So, why not be the first in the chain? *smiles*

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