Well Spent Off Day
Thank you EQ for making me enjoy such a great off day. It was so well spent I think I have what it takes to work another 10 days in a row. Just kidding, I would never want to work for so long without a break again. *roll eyes*
And so, here's what happened today. I forced myself to wake up so that I could give a call to Babara and ask if she was available to get my hair done. She declined, very politely, due to unavailability and also because she wasn't working today. Disappointed, I could only hang up only to find a message from my phone that made me smile from ear to ear.
Pay is here. You can come collect. Lini.
Woohoo!! That would mean I have the means to spend again. Ok ok, I know I should save and all, but not being able to spend well the last 2 weeks could have
Apparently, around 1pm in the afternoon, I received a call from a number I've never seen before, and was hoping that it was Derrick from Kelly Services asking me to come down to collect my pay (greedy me huh..). Instead, it was Babara.
Babara: Hey Peter, I will be in town.
Me: Oh wow! That means I can come down?
Babara: Yea. Would you be free around 3.30 to 4?
Me: 4 sounds good to me. Thanks Babara!
Barara: Alright then. I'll see you at 4.
Woohoo!! Everything I planned for is right on! I would, as planned, go for my haircut, then get my pay, and finally to meet EQ for dinner!! Wahahaha, I love it when things happen the way I want them to. *grins*
Babara did a magnificent job. The best she's done yet! She did everything I wanted, and on top of that, I was surprised to see a reflection of my back which resembled something very close to the mohawk style. Mini mohawk I would call it. Lolx. The tail is still here, as always, and she did a great job with thinning my hair. *grins x100*
Then it was off to collect pay. My cheerful mood was complimented with a clear sky, and the sun was not glaring it's dreadful heatwaves on me. The weather was anything but bad, and it was nice walking along Orchard Road once again, the street seeming somewhat foreign because I haven't been here in weeks.
Entering Isetan Scotts almost brought tears to my eyes. It feels so good to step in there once again, and knowing that I was meeting the great bunch of colleagues that I am so very close to. It was so good to see all the old faces, but more surprising was seeing new ones too. There were 2 new white shirts, and 2 brown ones too. Lini passed me the cash and asked for me to sign. I can't reveal how much I got, because then, hundreds would swarm to me like bees asking for a treat. Lolx, just kidding. It felt so good to be there once again, everything the same, it seemed like only yesterday that I left for CBJ. Also, I had a long and good chat with Roy, voicing some things that I've kept inside while working in CBJ for a month now. It was so comforting when he gave me advice, telling me to hold on, and striving hard to make things work. Motivational talk really does wonders to a weary soul.
So! I was off to meet EQ! All this time working in CBJ, I was always craving for Fish and Co's Seafood Platter. I mean, they're just beside us, serving that gastronomical dish to their customers, and enticing us service staff from just a few feet away. EQ was on time, I was earlier. He brought a friend, named Oliver, who was a card magician. He showed me a cool trick, which of course messed my mind up, but still, I know a trick is a trick. I told EQ I had a bad craving for Fish and Co, and he was more than ok to oblige. Lolx, it's not like I'm making him eat monkey meat or the like. Eeks.
The food was great, a tad too filling for us. I was up there (points at throat) in my intake, and a Seafood Platter for 2 was just about the limit for the both of us. Or was it?
A thought passed swiftly even before I could retract the words that were to come.
Me: EQ, we go for desserts ok?
EQ: Er.. ok..
"Peter, what are you thinking?"
*roll eyes* And to think I just mentioned how full I was? It was a good thing EQ suggested Macdonald's. It had been sometime since I had one of their delicious ice creams. EQ had a McFlurry while I had a Strawberry Sundae. *licks lips*
We sat by the trees, chatting under the clear night sky, void of stars but one which I pointed to and EQ quicky claimed it as a satellite. *roll eyes*
"Why did you have to spoil that EQ? I would have believed it was a star even though I knew it wasn't, till you had to tell me it was a satellite."
I passed by TCC AT (Atrium), and saw Damian. As he turned around and saw me, I was waving my hands in a friendly gesture. He didn't even smile, and turned away soon after. Knowing he was rather unwilling to say 'hi', I walked off with EQ, my mind disturbed by what had happened.
EQ: Peter, I'm very happy today.
"Why? Why did he not even smile?"
EQ: I finished all my homework before I met you.
"Was he angry with me? What did I do? I was just being friendly right? Or maybe, he was just having a bad day. Everyone has one once in a while. Yea, that must be it."
Me: EQ, I think he had a bad day..
EQ: Er.. Yea! That must be it!
Me: Sorry I wasn't listening to you.
EQ: Haha, it's alright la.
Still obviously disturbed by my friendliness being turned away, I gave Damian an sms, remembering vividly that I had his number.
Hey Damian. What's up? You seemed out of sorts today.
And that put my mind at ease, giving EQ all the attention I could give without being distracted. We continued talking about church, about him telling me about who missed me and all (you people are so sweet la!), and how he's been doing. It was a great evening. I was actually walking around PS in hope to find a good game to buy (the cons of having pay. Tsk), but was later attracted to something more alluring from 77th Street.
come to me..

I accompanied EQ home to Tampines. In case you people are wondering why Tampines when he stays in Simei and I in Hougang, let me explain. He rides his bicycle to Tampines every morning, and travels to school by bus. After his day, he rides it back home. For me, I thought it would be good, since I was free, and work is only at 3 tomorrow, to send EQ to Tampines so I could chat more with him.
Upon nearing his bike, he gave me 5 bikes to choose from. And that if I got it correct, he would.. er.. what did you say you would do EQ? Lolx, I myself can't remember.
EQ: Ok choose.
"Man, this is tough."
Walking to the third from the right that he had given me the choices, I answered rather confidently, masking any doubt even though I had plenty.
Me: This one.
EQ: Aye!! How you know?!?!
"Hmm.. What should I answer to that?"
Me: I'm your twin brother after all.
*roll eyes*
Yes yes. What an answer I know. But it seemed politically correct to me. And so we parted, him riding off in opposite direction of where I was headed - the bus interchange.
The queue was bad. Figuring that I was going to stand all the way home, I clipped on my headset, and turned on my mp3 to the o' so familiar History Maker. I love this song alot, it has always been on my personal top charts since I was in, what, Sec 2? Lolx.
So here I am blogging rather long tonight because I feel so happy that I had a wonderful off day. It was time well spent and I believe EQ had a good time too. You better have enjoyed yourself EQ. *glares* Lolx.
And Damian replied saying he had quite a foul mood today. He apologied, even though I felt he didn't need to, and promised a better meeting next time. Smile dude, it's not like it's the end of the world alright? Everything is going to be just fine.
I'm meeting Jonathan tomorrow at City Hall before work. I love to catch up with this youngster about what he's been up to, and how he's been coping and all. Of course, the usual crapping would be inevitable. Lolx.
Off to my fanfic now!!
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