Thursday, September 21, 2006

Interviews - One After Another

Woo! It is so fun to be head-hunted. A very big company is hiring good service staff for fine dining restaurants. A few weeks back, they came by CBJ to hunt for service staff. They had a private talk with me, and asked if I would be interested to join their company. We exchanged contacts and they called me back only after so long. Lolx.

I had a great interview yesterday! Sentosa management is so amiable. They make what's supposed to be an interview into a talk session about hobbies, and life in general. It was really fun, not at all intimidating. And the pay is good too! It's $5.80 an hour, $1.30 up from my pay at TCC.

Now, I just have to attend the interview for that huge company tomorrow noon, and see if they offer better. Wow! I've never felt better about shifting jobs. It's so different when people want you, and they will try to get you to join them. *smiles*

Ok, I'm off for dinner with my sis, and a visit to the doctor. I seriously need to get past this bad sore throat. *grumbles*