First Number No Longer 1

Let's start with wednesday! My mom brought me and my sis out for my birthday dinner! And I was looking forward to it, though I had been working 11 hours everyday for 3 days.
We were off for the Soup Restaurant. We didn't know much about this restaurant, nor ever tried it before. I was not really impressed with the deco, but I have to say!! The food is g-r-e-a-t!!! Absolutely good I tell you! And they live up to their name of being good for their soup! Another hot favourite would be their Samsui Chicken (that plate in the middle), an absolute must-try! Lolx. I was really really impressed with the food and service, and I will definitely bring my friends for any cravings of good chinese food. Yummy!
here's our dessert!

At around 12.10am, a sound that seemed very much like my poster dropping caught my attention. I was busy watching Full Metal Alchemist, and I turned to see what happened. And then! There it was lying on the floor! An envelope that read 'Angel Message 1'.
The only person in my house is my sis lor. It couldn't be anyone else. Lolx. This was what was written inside.
"Happy 20th Birthday!
Rule Number One
Go sleep now!!! And follow my plans tml. Can't afford not to!!!"
So, that was the first person who wished me on my birthday. Lolx. And then the rest came in. Shortly after, Christine sent me an sms going,
"Guess who turn 20 today? Haha.. Happy Birthday Peter!!! May the Lord bless u and guide u in everything that u do!! :)"
From Andy:
"Peter! I wanna wish u a happy happy happy happy blessed birthday! I pray that God will use u and guide u in all yr ways. And most importantly bless u on yr special day! Love, andy :P"
From Mom:
"Happy 20th Birthday!"
From Gordon:
"Happy Birthday! Look 4ward to celebrating next wkend!"
Sin Eng:
"Happy birthday hor :) May God's presence be in your life everyday and remember to walk close to Him :)"
Wah, so many birthday wishes. I'm truly thankful for each and every one of them. Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it alot!
Early in the morning, I found something outside my door! Another envelope! 'Angel Message Two' Lolx. Inside, this one wrote,
"Happy 20th Birthday!
Rule Number Two
1. Wake up at eleven o'clock!
2. Bath at eleven-thirty
3. Leave house at twelve! (Must!)
You cannot be late! If not cannot make it!
cannot late. cannot late. cannot late. cannot late."
Lolx. So I went Plaza Singapura with the other angel, Mark, and he told me to go level 7. I went there and saw him carry a huge bag of snacks. It was then I knew I was up for a movie.
you me and dupree

it was this!!

And we went to City Hall after that. They wanted to K, but it was too expensive. Moreover I wasn't looking forward to it anyway. K-box only has mostly mandarin titles, rarely good english ones. Bleah. We went Kenny Rogers instead!

The food is still as good, the chicken still as succulent as ever. Good stuff man! Lolx. I really had a good time being around these 2, they really made it all worthwhile. *bleams*
And now I'm home, finally resting from a long day. Ah, though it was long and tiring, it was well worth every second. A very huge THANK YOU to both my angels of the day. Lolx.
Oh gosh! Charmed is on! I have to go! Bye people!
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