Hari Raya - Chinese Style
So, I bet all of you know about yesterday being Hari Raya right? And I know all of you must be wondering what I did. Usually, I would be visiting my father's side of the family for the celebration, but not this year!
This year, like other years, I woke up early. I'm such a good boy right? Lolx. I had to join my mom and sis for breakfast! And we didn't intend on malay cuisine. Instead, we were headed for Chinatown at 9am! Zzz..
I was so tired from only 4 hours of sleep, but I was sure glad that I made it for this breakfast.
mom and sis


The food was good, though we waited some time before even laying our hands on them. We were seated near the end of the restaurant, so the trolleys took quite a while to come. Lolx. Nonetheless! The food was great! Service too!
a glimpse of heaven

And guess what that item of the left contained? Char Siew!! Lolx. I'm so dead if ever my father finds out what I was doing on Hari Raya. Lolx.
I Was Tagged Again!
*yawn* Why does my sister always have to tag me? I'm free anyway, so might as well get it done and over with. Lolx.
In The Past 24 Hours Have You:
1. Cried? Nope. No reason to. Lolx.
2. Worn Jeans? Refer to above photo.
3. Met Someone? Yes. My sis was one.
4. Done Laundry? Amazingly, Yes.
5. Went Hungry? Around 1pm.
6. Talked On The Phone? Yes. Got my sis a job.
7. Said I Love You? Yes.
8. Do You Believe In Yourself? Yup. It's good stuff.
9. And In Your Friends? Most of the time.
10. Tooth Fairy? Yea, but sadly my teeth are still in my secret locker. What's taking that fairy so long to give me 25 cents for each tooth I have there. Grr.
11. Believe In Destiny/Fate? God's will.
12. Ghosts? Spirits. Demons. Angels.
13. UFO? Nah. Bull.
Friends And Life:
14. Wish You Had Another Name? Peter. Wish I was born with it.
15. Do You Like Anyone? Mostly everyone.
16. Which Of Your Friends Act Most Like You? EQ!! Lolx.
17. Who Was There When You Cried The Most? Isaac. Thanks bro.
18. What's The Best Feeling In The World? Being alive.
19. What's The Worst Feeling Then? Dying.
20. What Time Is It Now? 1744 hours.
Which Is Better:
21. Chocolate Or Vanilla? Chocolate with s!!!
22. Coke Or Pepsi? Pepsi. Coke's too strong for me.
23. Love Or Lust? A combination of both please. Lolx.
Your Pick:
24. Mac Or KFC? KFC. Portions are good.
25. Single Or Group Dates? Single. More private.
26. Adidas Or Nike? None. Hush Puppies.
27. Lipton Tea Or Nestle? Lipton.
28. Cappucino Or Coffee? Cappucino Italiano.
Do You:
29. Smoke? No. Never ever ever ever. Lolx.
30. Curse? Nope, no point.
31. Take A Shower? Excuse me, who doesn't?
32. Have A Crush? Used to.
33. Think You've Been In Love? Yes.
34. Like School? Passed that era. Lolx.
35. Want To Get Married? Yes.
36. Think You're A Health Freak? Nope. But eat healthy people!
In The Past Month:
37. Drank Alcohol? No. Eaten banana's flambé though.
38. Gone To The Mall? Just yesterday.
39. Been On Stage? Yea. Most recent one was You Are Special.
40. Eaten Sushi? Yes. Sushi is good!
41. Been dumped? Nope.
42. Gone skating? Nope.
43. Dyed Your Hair? Nope. That was 3 months ago.
44. Changed Who You Want To Be? Who am I again? Lolx.
45. Did You Love? Yea, love is good for you.
46. How Did You Feel? Loved.
47. Did You Hide? From? whowhatwherewhenwhy
48. Missed Anyone? Yea. Taken from Janine. miss you, miss her, miss him, miss them.
49. Needed Anything? Loads of things. A new com is one.
50. Done A 50-Question Tag Like This? No. And I'm tired.
5 people to do this:
- janine
- jerald
- mark
- ivy
- eq
GOSH!!! That took forever!! And I am seriously tired. Better scream at my sis and ask her to stop tagging me. Lolx.
And before I go!
A Super Funny Video!
Some of you may already have seen it at Mr. Brown's. But it's worth the mention on my blog too. This ang-moh speaks good singlish man. 2 thumbs up!
Ok, I'm off for dinner. You guys take care! Ciaos~
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