First To VivoCity, Then TCC Chalet

Yay! I finally got the time to visit VivoCity. Yes, everyone has been there except me, and it was about time I did! I caught up with Mark to watch Flushed Away at GV, and wow the cinema was huge! We were lucky enough to get the back row and middle seats, in Cinema 1 - Max! Woohoo~! Oh yes, the leg space is so good! You can stretch out your legs straight without hitting the person in front of you. Lolx.
Hmm, and yes the place is huge. People who have a bad sense of direction should not try navigating their way around. It's simply too confusing. Even I, with ultra superb navigating skills, got lost finding GV. Lolx.
But at least I got there in time for the movie. I love GV, and do you know why? Because they start their shows 15 minutes from the specified time! So, people like me can catch everything without missing the start! Wahahaha!!

The portion is still as huge, the burgers still as delicious. I had a great meal. Oh oh, guess who sat at the table beside us? It was Sylvester. Yes, the runner-up for the first Singapore Idol. He was with his dad and sis. He looks much fresher now, with better grooming of course.
Oh yes, I have to put this photo up. It's so nice can!!

*roll eyes*
Oh, and there's even a playground. Kids would love to come to Vivo! Good marketing there.
not bad huh

TCC Chalet 2006
So, it was the evening after I went Vivo, and I was invited to a chalet organised by TCC CBJ! Whoa, I feel so honoured being invited even though I'm not working anymore. Heh. They must really love me alot.
For the first time in my life, I helped start the BBQ fire! Yay! I mean, I always go to BBQs, sit, and wait for food to arrive. I've always felt that people loved to cook the food, so might as well get them to help me with it. Hah. The last BBQ I had was some time back, music retreat 2005? Yea, such a long time ago..
the fire we started

22 year old chef

Lolx. But well, how can I be complaining when I'm having a ball of a time? Oh, and it was a nice surprise to see Zarifah after such a long time. She's my classmate's sister, and she looks so alike her sister.
such beauty

While some of us were chatting, a group of 4 were play TaiTi. Yes, the game that every chalet has. At least now I know how it's played, unlike last time I didn't know a single thing.
Now now, what happens when the person with the most cards loses?
ta da!


The night was still young when those who ended work at 11pm came over. After eating their fill, it was nearly 1am and no one was ready for bed.
Not wanting to sleep, 7 of us went out to Pasir Ris Park for some adventure. Lolx. We were there from 2.30am to 5am. Lolx.
We went to the maze (yes, there's a real one there), and found our way to the middle. Without lights, we relied on our mobile phones and the moonlight. Lolx. It took us a few wrong turns before we made it to the middle, and that's where I took a photo!
made it at last

wishing wishing

Alright, it's late and I'm off for DotA. Tomorrow I'm going to go out, and hopefully get some housework done. Take care everyone and drink loads of water alright? Byes!
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