Meeting Up With Secondary School Best Friends

After 4 years of not meeting up, and only occasional talks on the phone or msn, we 3 finally had a chance to meet!
Benedict and Leonard are my best buds in secondary school, and they are a fun bunch. We crapped, made jokes, teased teachers and even went out often to study.
I think the most the remembered of me was pink cheesecake. Yes, the very same that the youth group teased me about for some time. Lolx. These 2 knew about Phebe and how I baked an extraordinary pink cheesecake for her on her birthday. Gosh, the things people remember me by..
Benedict made the effort to ask us out tonight, and I was more than willing to meet. After all, DotA and doing nothing else bores me much.
Leonard came from school (Ngee Ann Poly) to meet us while me and Ben met at Hougang. He stays nearby my place, and so we took the NE line down to Dhoby Ghaut. We waited a whole hour for Leonard to appear. Goodness, that guy's always late huh..
caught a photo of the huge moon!

Finally, after such a long wait, Lenny arrives! And with a special guest too!
leo and jan

The conversations went really smoothly, it was like old best buds catching up on school, life, and girlfriends. Ben had a relationship for 17 months (goodness), after secondary school. Leo and Jan have been together for 13 months, and still going strong. And me? Heh.
ben dared me to post this photo

The evening was filled with endless talks about teachers, school-life, army-life (for ben), and our next meeting! I can't wait man. I mean, it's been so long and it's so good to catch up with these best buds.
It won't be long now before we meet up again, and they're expecting a cake as well.. Lolx. Well, I guess I could give them a nice one.. Pink.. Cheesecake.. anyone? =.='''
us 3 finally meeting again

Alright, I'm off! Take care everybody!
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