
Firstly, I watched the last episode of Charmed on Channel 5! I don't know if it's the ending of the whole series, but it sure seemed like it.
I know you people with cable tv probably finished this episode a long time ago, but poor me just watched it tonight.
I have to say! It was a really nice ending! They went back into the past, and into the future, to save the present! Cool stuff. I liked the part Piper in the future already knew Piper from the present was coming over. Lolx.
Why was it different from other endings from other seasons? Everyone came back together, except the oldest sister and Cole (which was sad).
Anyway, a good ending to such a show puts me in a happy mood! Though I have to say I'm a little sad it's all over. Heh.
Second random!
I had the weirdest dream last night, I swear.
I dreamt I was out with Ben (my sec school classmate, his photo is in a previous entry), and we were out with other friends. We went for dinner at some Japanese-looking restaurant. Suddenly, I was so tired and fell asleep.
When I woke up, Ben said, "Just great.. You had to fall asleep on us.."
I remember myself to be extremely apologetic but was too tired. So, I fell asleep AGAIN.
Lolx. So, I woke up again and found everyone now asleep in the restaurant. *roll eyes x100* Yea, I was practically rolling my eyes in my dream. Lolx. However! Ben wasn't around! He somehow wasn't in the restaurant.
So, I exited the restaurant. And guess where I was?!
In my living room! *roll eyes x1000*
And Ben was there playing on my computer. So, I decided to go into the toilet to freshen myself up, when suddenly! The toilet bowl started choking! For what and why I have no idea.. I didn't even use it.. *pouts*
I was in that mess, and guess what Ben was doing? He was happily playing on my computer, ignorant to my cries for help. Lolx. And only after 10 minutes, I got myself to solve that crisis.
And then!
I really woke up. What a horrid dream. Imagine if that was really to happen.. Goodness..
Third random!
EQ persuaded Pastor Heidi to watch Happy Feet! *applause* Don't worry Pastor Heidi, I'm sure you'll love it. So, Pastor Heidi decided to check out my blog, and went to EQ's link to see his blog.
And! EQ hasn't updated! So, Pastor Heidi pretended to be me!
Pastor Heidi: EQ WHAT IS THIS
LOLX. I could imagine myself saying that. Wow, Pastor Heidi can imitate me man!
EQ retorted with a simple, "What about you Pastor Heidi?" Amazingly, Pastor Heidi has finally updated her blog!
For EQ's Blog, click here.
For Pastor Heidi's Blog, click here.
Reading what Pastor Heidi wrote, I really start wondering why we don't celebrate Thanksgiving! We should!! Lolx. Oh, that gobble song was weird.. Imagine the youth group doing it. Lolx.
It's Friday, and tomorrow's Saturday! The day after that is Sunday! Oh, for all of you going to Vivo and then to Youth, remember (or be informed) that there's a shuttle bus to our Ministry Centre! Pass this message around!
Fourth random!
I've been thinking about a certain someone, and I have no idea why. It's like so long ago since we last talked, or even met for that matter. But somehow, I start thinking about this one person again and it seems so weird. You know.. like when you think you just smile, that kinda feeling? Ah, what bliss.. Ah, shuddup Peter. You're not seeing this person anytime soon anyway.
Ok, that's all for this post. I'm dead bored, DotA had lost its appeal for now. So! I'm doing Tower Defences (TDs)!!! It's super fun! But try not to play Mauls, they lag your com real bad. And with that, I'm off!
P.S. I hear people wanting something.. ME!!!
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