Miss Peter?

Most of you will only see this when you all are back in Singapore. I had my reasons to keep it from all of you. I didn't want anyone to worry, that's why I didn't tell anyone except my immediate family, EQ, and Jon.
I tried to tell the others, but I couldn't bring myself to. I'm sorry guys.
Well, it's a beginning for new life anyways. Lolx. I have been thinking for the last 2 weeks though. That when I'm gone, will anyone miss me? I know I'll miss everyone.
Thank you everyone for making the last 2 weeks such a memorable one. Thank you for helping me create memories. I don't even know when's the next time I can take these kind of photos.
Aunty Anna, you're truly prophetic. You somehow sensed I was going to be gone for a long time. Thank you for the prayer that made me cry. Thank you EQ!!! For agreeing in prayer, and making me feel so happy the last few weeks.
Pastor, thanks for the prayer. I know the notice came late, but I really appreciate the prayer. You'll always be my bestest Pastor ever. Lolx.
Jon, thanks for meeting up. It was cool to know you've been doing well and all. It was good to have you around when I needed someone to talk to.
Isaac Tan! You called me one day before, and that is such a beautiful coincidence. Rather, I would acknowledge it as God's plan. For you to tell me more, and to talk to me before I left.
Aunty Doris, for calling me today! She, too, was wondering when I would be leaving. She was ever so nice to offer to meet up if I needed to ask her anything. I was extremely thankful for that.
And to everyone else (you know who you are), thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for being a blessing. I won't be seeing you guys for an insanely long time, but do know you'll be missed greatly.
I'm going on an adventure! (yea right.)
Will DR miss me? *shrugs*
A new chapter in life. Heh. I hope this marks a whole new and stronger walk with the Lord.
Take care everybody! I would love to see my tagboard full of love messages when I'm back! Haha, I really hope people will miss me. I mean, everyone needs love - don't they?
God Bless!
P.S. Now you know why we did the cookies so early.. Lolx. Hope you all enjoy the christmas cookies of love from me and EQ!
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