Refreshed. Revived. Relieved. The New Me
First of all! I would like to apologize to everyone from the bottom of my heart for the deadness of this blog for 3 months now.
You see, when you're in the army, you have so little time to do things when you actually get to book out. I'm not finding excuses for myself not blogging, I just hope you all understand why I haven't been blogging. (I was also lazy to upload photos that I take.. Haha..)
No worries! My fire for blogging did not die, it merely took a 'short' break. Well, I was in Basic Millitary Training for 15 weeks, thus the late entry.
To all those who do not already know! I'm permanently out of Tekong! I have passed out of BMT! After 15 weeks of grueling training and hard work, I am proud to now be known as an ex-recruit!
It was a great day yesterday as I finally braced myself for my final parade in Tekong. It was great to see Gordon, Mom, and Sarah at the ceremony. Truly a proud day for me, and I was glad they were there to share my joy and excitement.
The photos from the Graduation Parade has not reached me yet, so I can't put any of that up yet. Yes, yet. Wait till you see me in the Graduation Parade, the smile on my face, and the pride I felt when I finally threw my cap in the air. Beyond words I tell you.
However! I've prepared a little something for all of you! I've put up photos of myself from the start of BMT till a photo just taken yesterday. I present to you, the new Peter!
christmas at the apartment
And here's me, looking totally different from before!
I thank the Lord for granting me strength and endurance, the will to live on every single day for him. Not only did I not slack in my spiritual walk, but I've grown closer to Him, the Father of my everyday. Without you Lord, I wouldn't be sitting here typing this entry. Thank you for everything Abba, I love you for everything you've done for me Lord.
15 weeks, 15 kilos down, and feeling stronger than ever before. Yes, that's the new Peter you see today. I've gone down from size 38 pants to 33! My shirts have gone down from XL to M! My plan now? To lose another 10 in the next 2 months. Then, I will be truly happy with my weight. I'm sure I'll be able to do it with everyone's encouragement!
Just be patient for more photos to be up from my Graduation Parade! Leave a tag on the tagboard if you still visit this blog. Lolx, I think I probably lost half my readers. Time to get them back! Lolx.
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