Sending Andy & Charlene Off
Finally, an update after such a long time!
That must be going through most of your minds when you're reading this post. Haha. As promised I will blog about last night (with the photos), and even upload the photos of Facebook alright? *grin*
So, after work yesterday, I rushed off for home to swim before heading to the Airport to send them both off. Yes, I'm back to swimming after 8 years. You heard it right - 8 long years! Well, I realise I shouldn't give up a sport that I love so much. So, last night was the 3rd consecutive day I've started on my swimming again, and I swam 20 laps (alternating between breast-stroke and freestyle) to condition my body.
Anyway, here are the photos from last night!
the group photo!
charlene & jerome
charlene & myself
myself & eq
yuxuan, jerome, ben, shen
jeslin & pam
the gals!
andy & myself
ernest & eq
pastor simon!
wendy & melvin
jerald & myself
the guys!
shen & andy
jerald & andy
jerome & andy
charlene & jerald
After heading home and having a good bath, I slept at close to 1am! It's a miracle I could even wake up this morning to drag myself to camp. Haha.
I think I better turn in early tonight. Thankfully, tomorrow's Friday! Thank God It's Friday!!
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