So, last night was definitely a night to remember. We went for the Battalion's 30th Anniversary dinner, out of usual uniforms, and everyone looked good for the occasion. For the one and only time I've got, I made sure I took lots of photos with my colleagues before I ORD in December. I don't even know if we'll have another chance to take this many photos anymore. Haha.
S1 branch!

I didn't get a lot of photos from last year's dinner and I've regretted it since. So, I made sure I took loads of them last night. Interestingly, everyone was really sporting and we did get a few really funny photos. Haha.
yandeng and his face

I really appreciate all my friends in S1 branch man. They are the reason why my NSF life isn't all that boring. They light up my life. Heh.
Oh yes. Chief Clerk was so lame. He placed the decorative parsley from the different dishes
all onto my plate. It came up to such a mountain Nat decided to take a photo of it because everyone thought it was just too funny.

The program was really boring, and loud. The speakers were just above our table and the piercing voices from our RSM and the MC were just unbearable. That aside, I made my own enjoyment by snapping continuous photos of my table.
zheng xun decided to act cute

Don't you agree everyone look better without specs? Both of us usually wear them to camp because we don't feel the need to wear contacts for work. Dinners like this allow us to dress up and look better for one night, and that's enough because I get to take photos!
li jian became a baby

That is his signature pose ok~!! It's like some infant not knowing what's happening and just pointing to the camera. Lolx. Oh, and this guy can dance. The best part? It's self-taught. Haha. Zheng Xun was practically learning the C-Walk from him all night. Haha.
no prizes for guessing who suggested this

*roll eyes* Li Jian ah.. You're infectious. But I like how the photo came out. Yes, pretty cute for 3 guys trying to make it look that way. Hahahahaha.
After the dinner, the real fun started. We decided to head over to The Cathay at Dhoby Ghaut for the midnight show of Batman's The Dark Knight.
the gang

The only movie that had tickets was at 1.30am. Unfortunately, Ming De was unable to join us because he has NDP duty the next day.
We slacked around for a whole 2 hours. Going up and down the escalators uncountable times, we finally settled down at a spot just to chit chat and play finger games. Haha.
Oh, and before I forget to mention. Alvin won Top 3 Fund Raisers for the Army Half Marathon in our Battalion.
the proud dude

As some of them decide to get Starbucks, the rest of us decide to sit around the fountain. That was when I saw a good shot of Josiah I had to snap.
freaky, no?

Lolx. Yes yes, I'm lame but I make people smile ok~!! It was just so fun hanging around these guys. Everyone just laughed the
night morning away.
Oh, and before I forget!!
my buddy nat!!!

This guy's the best thing that's happened to me since I entered the army. He's been the buddy I need, always lending a listening ear when I require it. Always advising me on the best decision I can make, he is one that's quick to listen and slow to speak. I appreciate him for the times we have, and I believe I don't want to lose this good friend even when my NSF term is over.
What a fantastic evening of fun and laughter! I couldn't ask from more than these. The great company I had, along with photos to remember this evening by, just makes my life that bit more colourful and cheerful.