Hello everybody~~!!!
I know I know. It's been a long time since I updated a post with loads of photos. My camera's been having some problems. =/ ( It's 5 years old you know, but still good enough to take these photos) Haha. All thanks to Picasa, I'm able to make these photos look so much better. Heh.
Alright. People say pictures speak a thousand words. So by the time you see the last picture, I would have spoken well over 42,000 words. Lolx.
So! It was a tiring night. I spent it baking the 3 different kinds of cookies that I might be using for the upcoming fund raising for the DREAM Trip. I figured if I tested it first, then there's no chance of failure. Wahahahaha~~
So I spent time from 9.30pm till 4am just baking cookies. The taste was great, but the texture wasn't too good. I left some dough overnight and baked it just now. They came out so much better! So, you see, sometimes we need to have patience when it comes to baking. Heh.
Family Day @ Chinese Gardens
I slept at 7am, and woke up at 11.30am. =.=''' I didn't have camp today! It was the Family Carnival at Chinese Gardens. The whole Transport Formation went for it, and it was cool to bump into many friends who went through the driving course with me 4 months ago.
the crowd

Yes, it was packed! Not only did the people consist of us, we had foreign tourists too. Yes, it was pretty cool to see everyone in civilian and not in our usual uniforms. Haha.
loch ness monster they call it?

It sounds familiar, as if I've heard about it before. Darren told me about it but I can't quite remember where I've heard about the loch ness monster before. Hmm..
cute dolphins!

chief clerk
It's super cool to have him around man. He could beat the queue waiting to collect the goodie bags, so we didn't need to queue at all. And yes, he went berserk today. =.='''
masaru, silas, yitian

These are the ones who helped everyone get their goodie bags. I think about 30 people from our branch came for this event.

What's with that look man? I can't really put my finger on whether this is a good or bad photo. Lolx. Maybe the seaweed was really as spicy as Ming De had said?
from left to right:
ming de, raymond, haoyi,
alex, ming hoe, darren

Fabulous group of friends from S1 branch. They never fail to perk me up during mundane office hours sometimes. Heh.
And after just a little while upon collecting our goodie bags, everyone found something
good bad in their bags. Sprays. Yes, those irritating things used during New Year's. Gragh~~! And so, the war begun.
first it was simon

yi tian wasn't spared either

Through all this chaos, I was actually spared the torture of being messed up. Thank goodness. If I got messed up, you guys won't be able to see all these photos. Hah.

eye of randomness

Yea, didn't know why I took that either. Took quite a lot of useless photos today. But there were all good nonetheless. Haha, I mean more photos never hurt right?
And there's this amazing attraction between Nat's sunglasses and the people around him. Oakley's reign supreme forever!
ming de (he tried them first) and xie zhen

then it was my turn! wee~~!

I heart Oakley's!! They're super nice!!
And remember Simon was bombarded with those evil sprays? Well, he didn't retaliate with the sprays.
he had his water bottle

On other news.
There was this pagoda that I went up to. It was 3 levels high, and the view from above was not bad at all.
colour my world

the frog waiting to turn into a prince

I forgot to tell all of you how hot the weather was. It was a killer~~
But even though it was a sauna walking through the Chinese Gardens, I still found animals that aren't supposed to be surviving here.
happy feet

Cute right? Whoa, I love penguins. I wish I could own one. Nah, I'm kidding. I'll never want to clean up after it. Lolx.
darren foo

Personal Assistant to the Big Boss in our branch. Don't mess around with him, he's more than able to mess you up more than you could. Nah, he's Mr. Nice Guy. He'll never bully people. Right Darren?
that assures me a safe time in S1 for the next few months. phew.winson (did I spell it correctly?)

He's part of the people at the counter giving out the goodie bags and making sure everything is going well. A salute to these people who gave of their time to work more than enjoying the day.
bo zhuang as well

So, after walking around a bit and having loads of fun seeing people chase each other with those
HORRIBLE sprays, it was time for lunch! *drools*
yummy food~~

Pizza, wedges, and chicken wings. Not the healthiest of my choice of lunch, but I still really enjoyed it though. At least I know I don't eat like this everyday. But I'm telling you, the food was goooooooooood.

Whoa, someone acting cute~ Haha, kidding kidding. He joined us on this day. Quite cool to have him around. He's a really nice person to talk to.
jew yueh and ming hoe

The whole event ended around 5pm. Anthony gave me and Ming De a ride to Lakeside MRT, where we took a train back to Ang Mo Kio.
It was a really nice day with great company. I had loads of fun, and I'm sure everyone else did too. We should have more things like these. S1 branch chalet coming up on 4th October! Wee~!!
Pastor's Birthday Celebration
Pastor had his birthday 2 weeks ago. (Yes I know I'm uber slow on this post. I'll try not to accumulate backlog anymore alright?)
birthday boy with his cake

the yummy cake~~!!
The cake was fantastic I tell you. I can't really remember who bought it. If I am not wrong, it should have been Andy and Charlene. It was not as rich as most chocolate fudge cakes, but it was definitely one of the best I've tasted. Yumm~~
eq was forced to do this

I meant to make it look as if the cake was so good you want to coat your whole mouth with it. Ad failed miserably.
random photo of jerome and me

random photo of ben and jerald

Hmm, why does it seem Jerald's so interested in the keyboard? Maybe, like me, he wants to play the Canon in D? Lolx.
group photo~~!!!

Yep Jeslin! I finally did the photos up so you can put it on DR's blog. Haha. Hope you've enjoyed looking at the pics!
Glady's & Gabriel's Birthday Party
It was great coming together as a family to celebrate the birthdays of both my cousins! I had fun chatting with the adults and just staring in awe at the amount of energy children possess. Haha. No, I'm
not getting old.
I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old I'm not getting old the pretty birthday gal

the handsome birthday dude

the cheeky brother of jerome, janan

the good food that was laid for us

jerome and the cardigan his mom got for him

the people who graced the occasion

ACJC's The Reunion
I was invited by Kent 3 weeks ago (Yes, yes, I know the backlog is horrible..) for a performance by his JC. I had 2 tickets and decided to bring Gabriel along for the event!
Not seeing Gabriel for almost 4 months made me realize how much I've neglected the good friendships I've forged during BMT. It was a great night as we enjoyed the performance, had a meal after that, and just chat about what's been going on in our lives.
gabriel and I

This was after the performance, and I decided to say hi to my other friends from my branch.
kent, ming hoe, and gary

Great bunch of people in the branch. Really glad I've known them. Heh.
ming hoe and gary

Oh, did I mention before that my
shifu in the Rubik's Cube is none other than Gabriel? He's the one who got me addicted and determined to solve the Rubik's Cube. Lolx.
he got himself a 5x5 cube

Did I mention he's crazy when it comes to the cube? He could just go for hours on end just trying to come up with new formulas. People find it so difficult solving the 3x3, and here he is trying for the 5x5. Goodness.
With that, I'm ending this VERY LONG post to go bathe and sleep thereafter. There's still a long day ahead, and I can't wait for Sunday to arrive. Haha.
See all of you this Sunday!
God Bless~~!!