Day out with the Youths
Hey guys, the day didn't go really well for me. But I wanna say after talking to a friend I've not talked to for like 1 year plus, I've been blessed that he said he felt much better after talking to me. And that made it all worthwhile.
It's been so weird. Ever since the-most-difficult week when the youths were away on Missions Trip, I've been talking to so many people in my life. And they all felt blessed after talking to me (pls, I'm not flattering myself here..). And to think I was so broken. I could still bring out enough courage to offer my ears for them to whine/cry/complain. And to think they said they felt blessed? Well, let's just say this. I, Peter, will never believe I can be a blessing to others. Maybe cos of life experiences and all that. But these few weeks, I've had more people saying thanks to me than I had in the last, er, 3 years? And maybe God's showing me that I can be a blessing to people if only I made the first step.
Oh ya, before I forget. Pic of the Day. Actually 2. Models of Dunamis again. First one was taken in Church Camp this year, and the other was taken today.

I really think I should be a photographer la.. So nice right? Both pics show the cool/suave looks of Ben and Jerald. Gals, don't start drooling now.
Me and Jerome met at 1.30 to look at Yamaha guitars, before heading to the food court for lunch. Ben and Ken followed shortly after. Pam came to the food court the last, cos she already had some porridge near her place. (*hint* if you can cook congee, I'll fall for you.) These were what we ate.
Jerome - 1 miserable Popiah
Ken - Chicken rice. Rice better than the chicken. Soya Bean drink, obnoxious $1.30.
Me - Meat Ball Noodles. Aunty said I should take $4.50 portion, Jerome ate 90% of it. jkjk.
Ben - Another miserable Popiah.. Please, can you actually get full on turnips..
Here are some photos of when we were at the food court.

You guys must really like the pics I take aye. I should really start charging people for being in my com and blog. Lolx. After this, Jannen came along followed by a lift in his wondrous air-con car - which can switch the air-con-blast-mode 5 times. Which i did. And oh ya, what is that triangle thingy that turns on your both yellow lights ah? I kept pressing it, and the cars behind were like on the verge of wanting to crash our car. O_o
Oh ya, cos it was raining, I didn't want my babe to walk to Paradiz in the rain. So I told Jannen, we have to get her, and so we fetched her to Paradiz. Which we did, and so she didn't get caught in the rain. All cos of me. Thank me babe.
-- 2 hours later --
Not gonna talk about lan. Jerome had to rush off for home. So we were desperate for a cab, which we finally got. And Jerald was eating his ice-cream with bread which he had a craving for. More sweet-nothings tonight aye.

Total Time of Ride - 1 hour
Total Cost of Ride - $22.10
Worth it? - No.
Goodness. Dhoby Ghaut to Hougang - 1 hour?! and $22.10?! No more taking of cab at that timing man. And Jerome was 45 min late for home.
What a nice greeting when I got home - Thunderstorm. Now.. what happens when Gravija is furious. You got it, Storm Approaches.

But even in my anger, I found enough to talk to my friend who felt hurt and lost (mind you, I never talked to him for 1 year plus). And it made me real glad when he said he felt much better after that hour-plus conversation.
And you know. I never did believe I could be that much of a blessing in people's lives' until this Christmas. I mean.. I wouldn't even have thought about it. And when people say 'Thank You', it just brightens me up.
Hey, once again, to all my friends. I love you guys, and I want to be there for you. God Bless.