I know you guys must be wondering and dying to know about my first valentine. And no Andy, I did not have cold feet. Ok, woke up a little earlier to do the special card for Cheryl, hand made. She said she rather cards than flowers.
The front of the card

And in it, I wrote about how I felt she's been a blessing to me, and all the years of friendship we've shared.
At around noon, I was rushing to go Kovan to collect the flowers. Yes yes, I got flowers for her. Placed an order on Sunday after church. How can a guy not give a gal flowers on Valentine's Day. It's only gentlemanly. And Andy, I am smart enough to know she wanted white lilies. I knew it before you told me.
After collecting the flowers, I took the train down to Dhoby Ghaut, and then to Orchard. I was just on time. Thank goodness I was earlier than her. Oh yea, and everyone was looking at me in the train, especially the gals from SRJC. What a pity. They must have thought I was attached. Grr.
SRJC Gals: See See! That guy's got a huge bouquet!!
SRJC Guys: *jealous and envious*
Bwahahaha! Cheryl told me not to get them. But yea. Which gal really meant it when she said you didn't need to send her home? Rather, if you didn't, she'll break up with you. Lolx.
She came shortly after me. She turned so red when she saw the flowers and started hitting me.
Cheryl: You ah!! I ask you not to get them right!!
Me: I'm not that dumb..
And so we decided on Din Tai Fung for lunch. We had a great time of catching up and sharing with each other our personal walk with the Lord. And even after our food, we continued chatting till 3pm.
I told her to open the card I got her. Thankfully, she loved it.

And do you see her T-shirt? It says, 'Feeling Single'. What a T to wear for Valentine's ah..
And halfway through lunch,
*vibrations from handphone*
msg from Jonathan Tan -
Jonathan: Make it good. Lol.
=.= What was that?!?! I sat in silence for 1 minute before letting Cheryl see the message. She laughed. Bleah.
And shortly after,
call from Samuel Yeo -
Sam: Hey, it's ok if I join you guys right?
Me: Sure!
Sam: I won't be lightbulb right?
Me: =.=
And Andy told me Sam won't be coming, said something about him having plans. Yea right! He went to school for nothing and made a wasted trip. But it was good he came, could catch up with him too.
She looks delighted

Sam was so busy on his handphone

And while we were walking around Wisma, guess who we saw. Someone whom Cheryl really didn't want to see. She didn't want that someone to see her with me and the flowers. But alas! We still saw Pam! Haha. Too bad Cheryl.
I was busy taking photos when someone pushed me. And then Cheryl screamed and Pam gasped. What weird reactions from the 2 sisters..
Pam: White Lilies!!
Cheryl: Yea..
And so, I took a photo of them both.

Talk about coincidence. I couldn't believe Pam didn't have a date today la!! She was spending the day with her friends, because the school gave a school holiday due to good 'O' Level results.
Me and Cheryl

And so after walking around aimlessly, we decided to go TCC near Centrepoint, the one Joram works in. It'll be cool to see him there.
And a few photos taken at the fountain outside Ngee Ann City
Cheryl and Sam

Cheryl and Me

And we were just plain joking around.
Me: Hey Cheryl, I haven't seen anyone with a bigger bouquet yet!
Sam: Ya, your's is still the biggest so far.
Cheryl: Yea, thanks Peter.
Sam: Eh don't say too early. Later we see someone with a tree ah..
Cheryl: *bursts out laughing*
And guess what?!?! True enough..
Behold (try not to laugh)
LOLNothing to say man. We really did see someone with a bigger 'bouquet' than Cheryl's. It was not a bouquet, rather, it was a pot. Goodness!!! Sorry, I need to control myself.
And so we arrived at TCC. Best.. Joram is not working today. That just spoilt our plans. But we soon recovered and decided on Macs 50 cents Cone! Cheapo right?
Flowers and Ice Cream

And Cheryl just had to come up with some idea for Statue of Liberty

So, Sam decided to study. Me and Cheryl continued from where we left off in Din Tai Fung. We talked about how God can further use us for His kingdom.
Sam's Diligence

And then we proceeded to Heeren. Looked for my wraist accessory but yet again was disappointed. Guess 77th really ran out of that design. So sad man..
And then she received a call from David, her australian friend.
Cheryl: David's joining us, can?
Sam: *nods* Three's a crowd. Teeheehee..
Cheryl: I think I should ask more gals to meet us.
Me: Ya, 3 guys and a gal with a bouquet. *queer*
We walked to Far East and went into a Christian Bookstore. And what was the first book that popped up in my face?
Spiritual WarriorI was so very tempted to buy it. But as you guys know, I really don't like reading. So I kinda knew I wouldn't finish the book. Haha.
And then books just kept on popping up in my face. It was really like God speaking to me through the titles of the books. Amazing.
And we all got really tired from spending a whole day out. Decided to take a train to Yio Chu Kang, and then 72 home. Sam was going over to Cheryl's condo for cell group. Not her unit but the same tower, 3 floors down. David decided to spend a little more time in Far East, so we parted there.
We decided on KFC in Hougang Point for dinner. While Cheryl went to get Jollibean
'Tau Hui', I made Sam pose for a picture.
Sam, in all his cuteness

Nice right?!?! I bet you'll have more gals wanting to know you now. Haha.
Cheryl and
Tau Hui

And after dinner, it was time to head home. Cheryl still held the largest bouquet at the end of the day. No one beat her to it. And beating gals to it meant she was most special this Valentine's Day. Or at least I hope you feel that way Cheryl. Thanks for having the day with me, I had a great time.
And it made it all worthwhile when she said this.
Cheryl: You made my day Peter.
Yea!! I scored! I made a gal's day!! Woohoo!! Okok, Peter, relax ah..
Haha. It was a great day. I had a great time and everything worked out well. Good to know that Cheryl is a cell leader in her church, leading a young people's group. Remember Cheryl, if you need people to talk to, Dunamis Rock is always here for you ok?
And so I am home, blogging. When suddenly, everyone starts asking me how was the date. Well, now you guys know. It was real cool. And Ken was bored, so he asked me to put this picture up.
The Mighty Turtle of Ken

=.= Nothing to say. He said it'll add to the popularity of my blog. Hmm.. really Ken?
Anyways, hope you guys had a wonderful Valentine's Day too. I'm wishing all of you all the best in pursuing your greatest love, God. Remember to always seek Him and never let the love grow cold.
"Don't let my love grow cold,
I'm calling out, light the fire again"